Kentucky News

Study: Workers’ Compensation Public Options Outperform Private Industry

State funds blunt the impact of bigger losses through concerted loss prevention efforts. An insurance industry think tank has concluded that 25 public and quasi-public workers’ compensation insurance plans perform better financially than the private market in a number of …

States and Cell Phone Driving Laws

A jurisdiction-wide ban on driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone is in place in 7 states (California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Washington) and the District of Columbia. Utah has named the offense careless driving. …

Florida’s Homeowners Choice Has Eye on Merger with 21st Century Holding

Homeowners Choice, Inc., a Florida-only homeowners insurance company founded in 2006, has sent a letter to the board of directors of 21st Century Holding Co. proposing a merger between the two companies. In an Oct. 12 letter addressed to Bruce …

It Figures

$12.1 Million Cumulative amount of bonuses to be paid to several top executives at AIG, after U.S. pay czar Kenneth Feinberg signed off on the deal. The payments were promised in 2008 to get key employees to stay with AIG …

Study: Workers’ Compensation Public Options Outperform Private Industry

State funds blunt the impact of bigger losses through concerted loss prevention efforts. An insurance industry think tank has concluded that 25 public and quasi-public workers’ compensation insurance plans perform better financially than the private market in a number of …

Louisiana Alone in Construction Jobs Gains

Louisiana was the only state in the country where more people were working in the construction industry last month than in September 2008. That’s according to a state-by state analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America. Louisiana’s construction industry …

Study: Workers’ Compensation Public Options Outperform Private Industry

An insurance industry think tank has concluded that 25 public and quasi-public workers’ compensation insurance plans perform better financially than the private market in a number of performance categories and at least as well when it comes to the bottom …

Pressure Builds for More States to Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving

The Obama administration reported that nearly 6,000 people were killed and a half-million injured last year in vehicle crashes connected to driver distraction, a striking indication of the dangers of using mobile devices behind the wheel. The Transportation Department recently …

Alabama Supreme Court Throws Out $274M in Verdicts Against Drug Makers

The Alabama Supreme Court last Friday threw out jury decisions awarding the state more than $274 million from three pharmaceutical companies, ruling they did not defraud the state in pricing Medicaid prescription drugs. The court overturned jury verdicts against the …

Kentucky Pol Suspect in Insurance Examiner Murder Denied Release

Steve Nunn said nothing in court. His glum, unshaven face spoke volumes. The politician who had lived a life of privilege hobnobbing with Kentucky’s political elite wasn’t at all pleased with the Fayette County jail where he is being held …