Ketamine News

Trial Begins in Lawsuit vs. Florida Hospital in Case Made Famous by Netflix ‘Maya’ Doc

The trial in a liability lawsuit against a Florida hospital, a story featured in a Netflix documentary, began this week, bringing new attention to health care providers’ responsibilities in complex cases involving minors. The long-delayed trial in Venice, Florida, will …

Viewpoint: Psychedelic Drugs to Treat Pain in Workers’ Compensation Cases?

Medical science has moved forward by leaps and bounds in recent years, and yet for too many injured workers, their initial work-related injury and subsequent medical treatment is only the start of an all-too-familiar downward spiral that often ends in …

Minnesota Lawsuit Takes on Involuntary Sedations

An attorney for a Minneapolis, Minn. man is drawing parallels between his client’s lawsuit and the recent debate over police urging paramedics to sedate unruly people. Forty-eight-year-old John Powell says he suffered breathing problems and needed emergency care after suburban …