Kevin Corbett News

NJ Transit Receives Approval for Safety Upgrade Extension

Federal regulators have given official approval to New Jersey Transit for a two-year extension to complete the implementation of a required emergency braking system. The Federal Railroad Administration sent a letter this week that said NJ Transit met six key …

Safety Deadline Looming, New Jersey Transit Aiming for Extension

New Jersey transit officials said Tuesday they hope to earn a two-year extension of a federally mandated deadline for installing an emergency braking system on their rail lines. With an initial deadline six months away, New Jersey Transit basically made …

Report Shows Far to Go for NJ Transit to Hit Safety Deadline

New Jersey Transit had installed a federally mandated emergency braking system on less than 10 percent of its fleet of locomotives nine months before the deadline, according to a progress report covering the first quarter of this year. The report …

NJ Transit to Reduce Trains to Try and Meet Safety Deadline

New Jersey Transit said Thursday it will reduce its train service over the next several months as it tries to install a federally mandated safety system by a Dec. 31 deadline. Last week, the Federal Railroad Administration sent a letter …