la nina 2020 News

National Weather Service Sees La Niña Continuing Through March 2021

La Niña is likely to continue through the Northern Hemisphere winter, with a 95% chance it will continue from January through March, according to the National Weather Service. The meteorologists said a majority of models predict there is a 50% …

Chance of La Niña Through Winter Now at 85%, Says U.S. Weather Service

A U.S. government weather forecaster on Thursday said there is an 85% chance of La Niña conditions continuing through the upcoming Northern Hemisphere winter. The chance of the weather pattern continuing into the spring of 2021, from February to April, …

Expected La Niña Could Last Through 2020-21 Winter, Says U.S. Climate Center

A U.S. government weather forecaster on Thursday forecast the development of La Niña pattern during the August-October season, and is expected to last through the 2020-21 winter. There is a chance of about 60% that La Niña will develop during …