labor law News

US House Votes to Repeal Labor Board Rule on Contract, Franchise Workers

The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted to repeal a federal labor board rule set to take effect in February that would treat companies as the employers of many contract and franchise workers and require them to bargain …

Added Protection or Opportunity Lost? New Independent Contractor Rule Issued

The U.S. Department of Labor on Jan. 9 issued a final rule, more than a year in the making, on the definition of an independent contractor. First proposed in October 2022, the rule provides guidance to employers in determining if …

Business Groups Sue Labor Board to Block Contract, Franchise Worker Rule

Several major U.S. business groups sued a federal labor board on Nov. 9, seeking to strike down a rule treating many companies as employers of contract and franchise workers and requiring them to bargain with their unions. The groups led …

Labor Board to Expand Companies’ ‘Joint Employer’ Liability

A U.S. labor board on Tuesday moved to make it easier for workers and unions to hold companies liable for labor law violations by their franchisees and contractors, proposing to revive an Obama-era standard heavily criticized by trade groups. The …

Judge: Minor Leaguers Work Year-Round, MLB Violated Wage Law

A federal judge ruled that minor leaguers are year-round employees who work during training time and found Major League Baseball violated Arizona state minimum wage law and is liable for triple damages. Chief Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero in San …

Uber Proposes Gig Industry Benefits Model in Canada

Uber Technologies Inc. on Monday proposed a plan for a flexible benefits fund for app-based ride-hail and food delivery drivers in Canada under which all gig industry players would share data on workers’ hours and earnings. Under the preliminary proposal …

Companies Hope to Take California Gig Worker Classification Law Nationwide

Gig economy companies want to turn California voters’ decision to make ride-service drivers contractors into a model for the nation, as several states consider requiring drivers from Uber, Lyft and rival services be treated as employees with higher compensation. Voters …

Construction Worker Fired, Punched for Complaining About Drunk Boss Wins $1M

A federal appeals court has ruled that a North Carolina employee who was attacked and fired after he complained about his supervisor’s intoxication on the job is entitled to more than $1 million in damages and legal costs. Construction worker …

Franchise Parents, Staffing Firms Ruled Joint Employers Under Labor Law

More companies may be held responsible for labor-law violations committed by contractors and forced to negotiate wages and benefits with their workers under a decision by a politically split U.S. labor board. The National Labor Relations Board, in a closely …

Study: California Low-Wage Workers Cheated Of Awards

A new study says thousands of low-paid California workers were cheated out of money they won against employers who broke the law. The report, to be released Thursday, says many companies escaped judgment by dissolving and taking new names. The …