Lamy News

WTO Director Lamy Says Doha Round Rescue in US, China’s Hands

World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy on Monday acknowledged the Geneva-based grouping has been a “disappointing” forum for trade liberalization but placed the blame for moribund world trade talks on both China and the United States. Lamy, in a …

WTO Risks its Future by Keeping Doha Talks Alive

The 153 members of the World Trade Organization agree on two things: We’re in a hole. And we must keep digging. The hole is the Doha Development Round, a decade-old negotiation that was billed as the next stage of trade …

WTO’s Lamy Sees Paralysis in Global Trade Talks

The head of the World Trade Organization castigated its 153 members on Tuesday for failing to agree a watered-down global trade deal by December and called for “an adult conversation” over what to do next. “What we are seeing today …

WTO’s Lamy: Nobody Wants Doha Trade Talks to Fail

Countries locked in long-running trade talks do not want the so-called Doha round to fail but may not have the political will to agree on how to cut industrial tariffs, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday. “What members …