lawmakers News

Montana Lawmakers Consider Ban on Cellphones While Driving

Lawmakers are expected to consider a bill that would ban the use of cellphones by motorists across the state. Montana is the only state in the country that does not ban at least some drivers from texting. Several Montana cities …

Colorado Legislators Weigh Harsher Punishment For Repeat DUIs

Repeat DUI offenders in Colorado will face tougher penalties under a bill lawmakers are considering this year. Colorado is among five states where DUI offenders face only misdemeanor charges even after repeated convictions. Lawmakers want to change that so people …

California Lawmakers OK School Planning For Abuse, Safety

The California state Assembly has approved two bills that would require school districts to make detailed plans for reporting child abuse and prepare for violent incidents on campus. AB135 by Democratic Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan of Alamo requires school districts to …

Missouri Lawmakers Override On Uninsured Motorists

Missouri lawmakers have approved a veto override of legislation restricting lawsuits by uninsured motorists. The House approved the override Wednesday on a 109-51 vote, the bare minimum needed for a two-thirds majority. The bill achieved the mark only after Republican …

Nevada Assembly Approves Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Nevada lawmakers want to give medical marijuana users a legal way to obtain the drug 13 years after voters legalized medicinal pot in the state constitution. The Assembly voted 28-14 Monday to pass a bill establishing marijuana dispensaries. The measure …

Washington Lawmakers Vow To Push Abortion Insurance Bill

Democratic lawmakers said Tuesday that they will try to pass a bill during the current special session requiring insurers who cover maternity care – which Washington insurers are mandated to provide – to also pay for abortions. The measure passed …