Leigh Ann Pusey News

Despite AIA Optimism USTR Change Raises Doubts on Doha Round

The American Insurance Association has issued a bulletin commending outgoing United States Trade Representative (USTR) Rob Portman for his leadership on trade negotiations. The AIA also welcomed his successor, Deputy USTR Susan Schwab, President Bush’s nominee to replace Portman, and …

Enhanced IJ Broadcasting enlivens insurance news

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. IJ Broadcasting is also making online video …

Technology Bits

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. IJ Broadcasting is also making online video …

Enhanced IJ Broadcasting Enlivens Web Content with Interviews, Videos, Ads and More

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. IJ Broadcasting is also pioneering by making …

Enhanced IJ Broadcasting Enlivens Insurance News with Videos, Interviews, Ads and More

Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section on its Web site for multimedia content that will include video and audio interviews, current news and features, educational workshops and other industry-related information. Leigh Ann Pusey of AIA Window on …

House of Representatives Passes Terrorism Insurance Bill

Legislation that will extend the 2002 Terrorism Risk Insurance Act for an additional two years passed on the House of Representatives floor today. The House bill (S. 467) passed by a vote of 371 to 49. The Senate already approved …

Senate Passes Terrorism Insurance Extension

Moving just days after committees in the House and Senate advanced terrorism insurance bills, the full U.S. Senate today passed its version of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Act of 2005 (S. 467). By a voice vote, the Senate approved …

Senate, House Panels Both Advance Terrorism Insurance Bills

The Senate Banking Committee and House Financial Services Committee each marked up legislation Wednesday to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) for two years. The Senate Banking Committee reported out S. 467 by voice vote. The House Financial Services …

Businesses Hit Treasury Terrorism Insurance Report

The business lobby, Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism, is blasting as “flawed” and illogical the Treasury Department’s report recommending against renewal of the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act in its current form. Meanwhile, the insurance industry seemed grateful that the …

Senate Port Security Hearing Looks at Attention on Need for Federal Terrorism Insurance Mechanism

A Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing set for Thursday, May 26, is the latest in a series of Capitol Hill examinations of port security and the potential economic harm terrorists can cause. These hearings clearly reinforce the need for swift …