LGBT civil rights protections News

Federal Lawsuit Challenges Oklahoma Anti-Trans Bathroom Law

Civil rights groups filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of three transgender Oklahoma schoolchildren, arguing the state’s new law requiring students use only the bathroom of the sex listed on their birth certificate is unconstitutional. The lawsuit filed Tuesday in …

Indiana Court Sides With Catholic Diocese in Teacher Dismissal

The Indiana Supreme Court ruled last week that religious freedom rights protect the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis from being sued by a teacher who was fired from his job at a Catholic high school for being in a same-sex …

Michigan Supreme Court: Anti-Bias Law Protects LGBTQ

The Michigan Supreme Court last week said the state’s anti-discrimination law covers sexual orientation, a victory for LGBTQ residents. The court, in a 5-2 opinion, said the word “sex” in Michigan’s key civil rights law applies to sexual orientation and …

Tennessee Leads States’ Suit Against Biden Administration Over LGBT Protections

Attorneys general from 20 states sued President Joe Biden’s administration Monday seeking to halt directives that extend federal sex discrimination protections to LGBTQ people, ranging from transgender girls participating in school sports to the use of school and workplace bathrooms …

Next LGBT Legal Battle for Supreme Court Will Be Religious Exemptions: Analysis

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling protecting LGBT rights in the workplace sets the stage for another major legal fight over the scope of religious-rights exemptions to certain federal laws that could dilute the landmark decision’s impact. The justices ruled 6-3 …

Supreme Court Session Opening This Week Faces Controversial Rights Issues

The U.S. Supreme Court kicks off its new term this week, with a major dispute on tap over whether a landmark decades-old federal anti-discrimination law that bars sex discrimination in the workplace protects gay and transgender employees. The nine-month term …

Beyond Wedding Cakes: LGBT Lawsuits Challenge Employee, Business, Religious Rights

A flood of lawsuits over LGBT rights is making its way through courts and will continue, no matter the outcome in the Supreme Court’s highly anticipated decision in the case of a Colorado baker who would not create a wedding …

68 Companies Join Legal Fight to Block Provisions of North Carolina LGBT Law

Sixty-eight companies have signed onto a legal brief opposing a North Carolina law that limits protections for LGBT people. The amicus brief filed July 8 is part of a legal challenge brought by the Department of Justice. The federal government …

U.S. Justice Dept. to North Carolina: LGBT Law Violates Federal Civil Rights Act

A North Carolina law limiting protections to LGBT people violates federal civil rights laws and can’t be enforced, the U.S. Justice Department said Wednesday, putting the state on notice that it is in danger of being sued and losing hundreds …

Carmel, Indiana OKs LGBT Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

The Carmel City Council in Indiana has passed an ordinance banning discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation, narrowly defeating efforts by social conservatives to defeat the measure in the affluent Indianapolis suburb. The council voted 4-to-3 on Oct. 5 …