LGBT employee discrimination News

LGBTQ Employees Still See Equality Gaps After Supreme Court Ruling on Firing

Even with this week’s Supreme Court ruling, the workplace will be far from equal for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. While the nation’s highest court says you can’t be fired for your sexual orientation or gender identity under the …

Appeals Court Rules Firing Over Sexual Orientation Is Illegal

Gay workers and their corporate supporters won a legal victory over the Trump administration as a federal appeals court ruled that firing people over their sexual orientation is a form of illegal sex discrimination. The appeals court in Manhattan overturned …

Trump Administration Argues U.S. Civil Rights Law Does Not Protect Gay Employees

The U.S. law that has protected workers from gender and racial bias for more than half a century should not be extended to cover gay and lesbian employees because that isn’t what Congress envisioned when it passed the bill, Trump …