libel lawsuit News

Brexit Backer and Inventor James Dyson Loses Libel Lawsuit Against UK Newspaper

James Dyson, the billionaire inventor of the bagless vacuum cleaner, lost a libel lawsuit on Friday against a British newspaper publisher over a column that branded him a hypocrite who had “screwed” Britain. Dyson sued Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN), publisher …

Ohio’s Oberlin College Completes Paying Out $25M Judgment in Libel Lawsuit

OBERLIN. Ohio (AP) – Oberlin College has completed paying out a $25 million judgment to an Ohio bakery that won a libel lawsuit against the school after a shoplifting incident involving three Black students. The store’s owners, Allyn Gibson and …

Supreme Court Justice Thomas Calls for Overturning Landmark Libel Case

Justice Clarence Thomas called for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the landmark 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan ruling, which protects news organizations from most libel suits when they write about public figures. Adding to a list of far-reaching …

Judge Rules Trump’s Tweet Over Stormy Daniels Was Free Speech, Not Libel

Stormy Daniels’s libel lawsuit over a tweet by Donald Trump accusing her of “a total con job” was thrown out by a judge who said the president was engaging in free speech. The adult film star, whose real name is …

AP to Defend Against Libel Claim by Russian Billionaire Over Trump Ties Story

A Russian billionaire with ties to Vladimir Putin sued The Associated Press on Monday for defamation over a story about his connections to a former Trump campaign chairman. Aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska claimed in the federal defamation and libel lawsuit …

Fraternity Files $25M Defamation Suit Against Rolling Stone

The fraternity that was the focus of a debunked Rolling Stone article about a gang rape filed a $25 million lawsuit against the magazine Monday, saying the piece made the frat and its members “the object of an avalanche of …

Virginia Fraternity Chapter Plans Lawsuit Against ‘Reckless’ Rolling Stone

The University of Virginia fraternity chapter at the center of Rolling Stone magazine’s retracted article “A Rape on Campus” said on Monday that it planned to sue the magazine for what it called “reckless” reporting that hurt its reputation. The …

N.Y. Court: Media Outlets Don’t Have to Delete Stories When Charges Nixed

A Connecticut woman’s claims that media outlets libeled her by refusing to delete stories about her arrest after charges were dismissed were rejected by a federal appeals court on Jan. 28. The ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of …

N.Y. Court: Author Michael Lewis Did Not Libel Money Manager in ‘The Big Short’

The author Michael Lewis did not libel a money manager in his 2010 best-seller “The Big Short,” a divided federal appeals court ruled on Friday. By a 2-1 vote, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York rejected …