Libya News

Lawmakers Question Arab Company Takeover of Major U.S. Ports

U.S. terms for approving an Arab company’s takeover of operations at six major American ports are insufficient to guard against terrorist infiltration, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said. “I’m aware of the conditions and they relate entirely …

Euler Hermes Issues Global 2006 Economic Assessment

Euler Hermes ACI, a provider of trade credit insurance and risk mitigation information, has released a special global risk analysis report from its U.S. headquarters in Maryland. The company, a subsidiary of French insurer AGF, which is in turn part …

Bush Campaign Manager Tells Agents Participation in the Process Important

Washington, D.C. – With a record attendance of 175 Young Agents taking part in the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers’ 2004 National Legislative Conference, a man who has more than a slight interest in this year’s presidential election, Bush-Cheney 2004 …

NAII Hosts Conference Addressing OFAC Regulation

The National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) and Chicago-based law firm Lord, Bissell and Brook will host an industry-wide informational conference June 20 to discuss the insurance industry’s compliance concerns with a federal regulation that list foreign entities with which …

NAII to Host Conference Addressing OFAC Regulation

The National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) and Chicago-based law firm Lord, Bissell and Brook will host an industry-wide informational conference June 20 to discuss the insurance industry’s compliance concerns with a federal regulation that list foreign entities with which …

International Commentary: A Stunned World Reacts to Terrorist Attacks

No words will ever be able to fully convey the shock and the stunned incredulity around the world as the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks unfolded on television screens across the globe. Live coverage on French television began shortly after the …

A Stunned World Reacts to Terrorist Attacks

No words will ever be able to fully convey the shock and the stunned incredulity around the world as yesterday’s terrorist attacks unfolded on television screens across the globe. Live coverage on French television began shortly after the first aircraft …