litigation from Sept. 11 attacks News

Saudi Arabia Asks U.S. Judge to Throw Out 9/11 Lawsuits

Saudi Arabia asked a U.S. judge to throw out lawsuits claiming it helped al-Qaeda carry out the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, arguing the victims haven’t provided any evidence to back their cases. Michael Kellogg, a lawyer for the Kingdom, said …

Brave New World: 1st Reinsurance Product Heads to the Blockchain

Second of Two Articles There has been a lot of press โ€“ and perhaps hype โ€“ about blockchain and its potential to revolutionize the industry’s processes and ultimately improve the customer experience. However, the efforts of the industry’s B3i initiative …

Insurers, Victims Sue Saudi Arabia Over Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks

Saudi Arabia is facing a renewed $6 billion lawsuit by dozens of insurers seeking to hold it responsible for business and property damage caused by the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. The lawsuit filed late Thursday in the U.S. District Court …

Congress Likely to Pass Bill Allowing 9/11 Victims to Sue Saudi Arabia

The U.S. House of Representatives plans to vote this week on Senate-passed legislation that would allow families of the Sept. 11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for liability in the attacks. Rep. Peter King of New York, the House sponsor …

Federal Judge Approves $53.8M Settlements for 82 WTC Cleanup Workers

A federal judge has approved $53.8 million in settlements for 82 unionized cleanup workers who claimed they were made ill by exposure to toxic dust near the World Trade Center site, court papers showed. The workers were among roughly 1,000 …