litigation News

BP Emails Reveal Company Veiled Spill Rate

On the day the Deepwater Horizon sank, BP officials warned in an internal memo that if the well was not protected by the blow-out preventer at the drill site, crude oil could burst into the Gulf of Mexico at a …

Appeals Court in Texas Accepts State Farm Refunds Case

State Farm Insurance has asked an appeals court to throw out an order requiring the company to refund about $350 million to Texas customers. A three-judge panel of the 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin took the case under advisement …

Illinois Judge Pulled from Asbestos Cases Will Return $30K in Donations

A judge who was assigned to hear all of the asbestos cases in her southwestern Illinois county was stripped of those cases after it was revealed her campaign committee received $30,000 in contributions from area law firms specializing in asbestos-related …

Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill Capping Attorney Fees

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has signed a bill designed to limit attorneys’ fees after a well-known lemon law lawyer collected more than $150,000 in an auto-repair dispute. The measure, part of Walker’s special legislative session on jobs, requires judges to …

Insurers Win First Round of Climate Change Coverage Litigation

In light of the economic turmoil currently engulfing the United States and Europe, the Republican sweep in the 2010 midterm congressional elections, the various protests going on around the country and the upcoming fractious 2012 presidential election, insurers can be …

Ohio-based Business Jet Operators Sue IRS over Ticket Tax

A group of Ohio-based private business jet operators is suing the Internal Revenue Service for $643 million, saying the government wrongly applied a ticket tax meant for commercial passengers only. The lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Columbus by four …

Up to 300 More Homes to Be Repaired in Knauf Chinese Drywall Settlement

A new settlement has been reached with Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin (KPT) over defective drywall manufactured by the company in China. The Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee (PSC), the Homebuilder Steering Committee (HSC) and KPT announced that under a new agreement, KPT will …

Deadline Nears to Submit Claims in Bayer Rice Case

The deadline is approaching for rice farmers to submit claims in order to share in the settlement of a lawsuit against Bayer CropScience over genetically modified rice that was inadvertently introduced into the U.S. market. Bayer has agreed to a …

UK Government to Ban Personal Injury Referral Fees

The UK government has come down on the side of the country’s insurance industry with its announcement from Justice Minister Jonathan Djanogly that it will ban referral fees in England and Wales. The charges are assessed when information concerning personal …

Damages Ruling May Be Pivotal in BP Gulf Oil Case

A key court ruling in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill litigation could change the landscape in the massive case — encouraging more plaintiffs to sue, or spurring the parties to make a deal to resolve what could be a …