London Market Group (LMG) News

RSA Begins Trading on London Market Placing Platform, PPL

International insurer RSA has begun trading on the London insurance market’s electronic placing platform, PPL (Placing Platform Ltd.), which enables brokers and underwriters to quote, negotiate, bind and endorse business using one market-wide system. RSA’s Profin underwriting team is now …

London Insurance Market Provides Brexit Negotiations’ Wish-List

A Brexit trade deal needs to benefit both the UK and the EU – while protecting clients’ access to the London insurance market, according to the London Market Group (LMG), an association representing London’s re/insurance underwriters and brokers. The LMG …

London Market’s Placing Platform, PPL, Expands Offering with Marine Lines

PPL, the London market’s electronic placing platform, announced that marine business is now available to be bound on the PPL platform. The platform began trading stand-alone terrorism risks in July 2016, and now writes political violence, financial and professional lines, …

London Market’s Electronic Placing Platform Binds 1st Standalone Terrorism Risk

London Market Group (LMG) announce that the first standalone terrorism risk was bound on PPL – the London Market’s electronic placing platform – within the first hour of trading yesterday morning. The broker was Marsh and the underwriter was Chaucer. …

London Market’s Electronic Placing Platform Begins Trading Terrorism Risks

London Market Group (LMG) announced that PPL – the London Market’s electronic placing platform began trading today, with brokers and underwriters exchanging information on standalone terrorism risks, the first class of business to go live on the system. “We are …

Willis Appoints Aubert to Executive Committee of London & Int’l Brokers’ Assn.

Willis Group Holdings has appointed Nicolas Aubert, CEO of Willis GB, to the executive committee and board of the London & International Insurance Brokers’ Association (LIIBA)*. In addition, Aubert was named LIIBA representative to the London Market Group (LMG), a …

Xuber Reinsurance Survey Focuses on Regulation and M&A

Many in the reinsurance industry feel the business is becoming over-regulated and London is getting expensive as the center of the industry Xuber, Xchanging’s insurance software business, recently released its second wave of results from its global reinsurance survey on …

Placing Platform Ltd. Selects Ebix for London Market Implementation

The Board of Placing Platform Limited (PPL) announced that, after a tender exercise, it has selected Ebix as its preferred software supplier. The Board acted on behalf of the International Underwriting Association (IUA), the London & International Insurance Brokers’ Association …

London Market Group Chairman Steve Hearn Sets 2014 Agenda

Steve Hearn, Deputy CEO of Willis Group and Chairman of the London Market Group, has launched the organization’s 2014 agenda. Addressing an audience of senior market figures in the Willis Auditorium, he announced that the LMG would be expanding its …