London market News

Bank of England and City of London Square Off Over Financial Services’ Reforms

A plan to give the British government power to override watchogs would raise “serious concerns” about the ability of regulators to oversee the City as a global financial center, Bank of England Deputy Governor Jon Cunliffe said on Wednesday. While …

UK Market Turmoil Threatens Plans for Post-Brexit Reforms for Insurers

Reforming European Union insurance rules to release billions of pounds of capital is a key part of the UK government’s program to boost the economy. The market turmoil unleashed by the mini-budget may make such ambitions harder to deliver. The …

UK Bond Market Crash Takes Shine Off Plans to ‘Unshackle’ City of London

Britain’s new Prime Minister Liz Truss promised to “unshackle” the City of London to fuel growth, but crashing the bond market over tax cuts will take the shine off her “Big Bang” plan for financial services. Markets took fright last …

Bank of England Won’t Take ‘Risky Bets’ to Boost City of London’s Competitiveness

The Bank of England’s new objective of helping the financial sector remain globally competitive should not encourage risky bets on regulatory standards to win business, BoE executive director Victoria Saporta said on Tuesday. Britain wants a “Big Bang 2.0” – …

UK Government to Pursue ‘Big Bang 2’ Reforms for City of London: New Chancellor

Kwasi Kwarteng, the UK’s new chancellor of the exchequer, said the government will pursue sweeping financial reforms to unleash growth and competitiveness at a meeting Wednesday with industry leaders. The aim is to unleash a “Big Bang 2,” Kwarteng said, …

London’s Financial Services Firms See Potential in Liz Truss’ ‘Radical’ Policies

After an international career in finance, a rapid political rise and high profile as chancellor of the exchequer during the pandemic, Rishi Sunak must have expected the full-throated backing of the financial sector when he made a bid to lead …

Front Runner to Be Next UK PM Wants to Review Financial Watchdogs’ Roles: Source

Liz Truss, the front-runner to become Britain’s next prime minister, wants to examine the roles of the country’s three financial regulators as part of a review, a source close to her leadership campaign said on Thursday. Provided she wins the …

London Workers Could Save Money by Returning to Offices as Bills Soar: Research

City of London workers looking to save money may want to embrace the office over winter as the cost of working from home soars alongside energy bills. Those prepared to go into the office every day could save about £50 …

UK Should Avoid Hasty Financial Services Reforms Following Brexit: Lawmakers

Britain should avoid hasty reforms to make its financial sector more globally competitive after the industry’s separation from the European Union by Brexit, a parliamentary report said on Thursday. The finance ministry has proposed scores of changes to rules governing …

UK Lawmakers Warn About Watering Down Post-Brexit Financial Regulation

Brexit is no reason to radically alter British financial regulation and regulators should not be forced to water down rules to boost London’s competitiveness, or stray from global standards, a UK parliamentary committee report said on Thursday. Britain’s departure from …