London News

The Insurance Industry Wants You!

American-born poet, T.S. Eliot, did little to further the cause of attracting people into the insurance business. As far back as 1922, in his famous work, “The Wasteland,” the sometime bank employee created a repulsive character and described him as …

Most Property Reinsurance Rates Down at January Renewal As Capital Rebounds

Reinsurance rates across most lines of property catastrophe business declined at the Jan. 1, 2010 renewal, according to a briefing by Guy Carpenter & Co. LLC. Guy Carpenter’s World Catastrophe Rate on Line (ROL) Index declined by 6 percent at …

Construction Specialists See Slow Recovery in 2010

Bright Spots for Commercial Contractors; Tough Times for Residential Market Construction insurance specialists say market improvement in 2010 for the construction industry will be slow for most sectors — even so opportunities do exist. Publicly funded construction projects have seen …

New York Plans First Steps to Creating Lloyd’s Competitor

New York regulators are aggressively pursuing plans for a reincarnation of the New York Insurance Exchange and expect to finish assembling a “working group” of industry insiders within the next two months who will guide the revival of a Lloyd’s …

ACE Europe Appoints Ainslie Technology and Cyber Liability Underwriter

The ACE European Group has appointed Iain Ainslie to the role of Technology and Cyber Liability Underwriter. ACE said the appointment underscores its “commitment to enhancing its service offering and presence in this sector.” Ainslie will be based in London …

Lockton Re Adds Executives in Kansas City and New York

Privately owned, independent reinsurance brokerage Lockton Re has expanded its presence in the United States with the appointments of three new executives – Larry Hunter-Blank, Joe Zuk and Scott D. Polkinghorne at its offices in New York and Kansas City. …

TriSystems Readies New ‘Cost-Effective’ Platform for Lloyd’s Brokers

Jeff Ward, a director of London Market reform technology specialists TriSystems, and his colleagues have been busy lately. They’ve been working on the latest version of an electronic communications service for London’s brokers. With the official launch planned for Fenruary …

Lloyd’s Analyzes New and Changing Risks

The start of a new decade is always a time to take stock in what the past has brought, and what the future may bring. As part of its “360 Risk Insight” series, Lloyd’s of London queried “a cross section …

New York Plans First Steps to Creating Lloyd’s Competitor

New York regulators are aggressively pursuing plans for a reincarnation of the New York Insurance Exchange and expect to assemble a “working group” of industry insiders within the next two weeks who will guide the revival of a Lloyd’s of …

Most Property Reinsurance Rates Down at January Renewal As Capital Rebounds

Reinsurance rates across most lines of property catastrophe business declined at the Jan. 1, 2010 renewal, according to a briefing by Guy Carpenter & Co., LLC. Guy Carpenter’s World Catastrophe Rate on Line (ROL) Index declined by six percent at …