loss estimates News

Swiss Re Estimates Thai Flood Claims at $600 million; Subject to Uncertainty

Swiss Re has estimated its claims costs from severe flooding in Thailand at $600 million, after intense rainfall caused hundreds of deaths and floods affecting approximately 1500 industrial facilities. “The estimate is net of retrocession and before tax, said the …

AIR Lowers Insured Loss Estimates for Hurricane Irene in the Bahamas

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide has revised its industry insured loss estimates for Hurricane Irene’s impact in the Bahamas to between $200 million and $400 million (previously $300 million to $700 million). However, AIR also indicated that its “loss estimates …

RMS Estimates Irene Insured Losses At Up to $5.5 Billion

Hurricane Irene caused between $2.5 billion and $5.5 billion in insured losses in the United States and the Caribbean, excluding flood claims that fall under federal insurance programs, catastrophe modeling company RMS said Monday. RMS’s estimate falls roughly between those …

Swiss Re Report Estimates 2011 First 6 Months Cat Losses at $70 Billion

Preliminary estimates from Swiss Re’s newly released sigma report indicate that “total insured losses for the global insurance industry from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters reached an estimated $70 billion in the first half year of 2011.” The report also …

Forecast: Few Insured for Irene’s Losses in Connecticut

Only about 30 percent of property losses inflicted by Tropical Storm Irene in Connecticut will be covered by insurance, according to an estimate by a consulting group that said less will be covered compared to previous storms in part because …

U.S. to Reimburse States for Most of Irene’s Damage

Hurricane Irene could cost U.S. state and local governments billions of dollars in damages, but funds from the federal government might ultimately cover much of this expense. It is too early to estimate the cost of the storm, but New …

Threat of Irene Exposes New York’s Vulnerability

In the annals of natural disasters, it doesn’t get much worse than a major hurricane directly striking New York City and Long Island. Hurricane Irene is on a course that will take it up the East Coast from the weekend. …

PartnerRe Comments on Financial Impact of Q2 Losses

Bermuda-based PartnerRe Ltd. has provided information on the net impact of catastrophe-related large losses affecting second quarter 2011 results. Significant losses, related to the tornadoes that struck the U.S. in April and May, are estimated to total $89 million, which …

AXIS Puts Q2 Cat Losses at $90-$105 Million; Updates Q1 Estimates

Bermuda-based AXIS Capital Holdings Limited has estimated that the total net financial impact of the June 2011 aftershock in New Zealand and the series of severe weather events that occurred in the U.S. in April and May 2011 are expected …

Amlin Updates Cat Loss Estimates; Reports Increase in Reinsurance Rates

UK and Lloyd’s insurer Amlin plc held a presentation for analysts today focused on updating its catastrophe estimates. Amlin estimated that net claims from the two major U.S. tornadoes during April and May 2011 were approximately $50 million. It also …