losses News

Will California Wildfires Be Worse This Year?

As blame for California’s wildfires rises over Sacramento like smoke from last year’s blazes, the state is being forced to confront the possibility that it’ll happen again in 2018. California’s drought is worsening, and blazes have charred more acres in …

Wildfires Cost Montana $240M In Visitor Spending, New Research Shows

University of Montana researchers say the 2017 fire season likely cost Montana about $240 million in visitor spending. The Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research said Tuesday that 12.5 million out-of-staters visited Montana last year and spent $3.36 billion. Economist …

Statewide Claims for California Wildfires Reach Nearly $12B

Insurers have received nearly 45,000 insurance claims totaling more than $11.79 billion in losses from the wildfires that burned across the state in October and December 2017, California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones announced today. The fires in Northern California in …

Losses From Southern California Fire Could Reach $2.5B, Expert Says

Losses from the Thomas Fire in Southern California are expected to fall between $1 billion and $2.5 billion, a catastrophe modeling firm said on Tuesday. The Thomas Fire, which raged across Southern California’s Ventura and Santa Barbara counties throughout most …

XL Group: Loss Estimates of $45M Related to Southern California Wildfires

XL Group Ltd. on Wednesday announced preliminary estimates of natural catastrophe net losses of roughly $45 million related to the recent wildfires in Southern California and $20 million related to other events. The estimated losses are roughly evenly split between …

Calm Winds Aid Firefighters in Making Progress on California Fire

Crews are using a break in winds to do a controlled burn to remove dry brush and build containment lines around Southern California’s Thomas Fire. Fire spokesman Capt. Rick Crawford said Tuesday that officials will remove fuels on the fire’s …

Tougher Utility Rules Being Considered in Wake of California Wildfires

California utilities may face tougher safety rules for power lines, phone lines and utility poles in parts of the state most prone to wildfires. Under the proposed rules being considered by the California Public Utilities Commission, tree branches would have …

Farmers Reports $1.2B in Claims from Northern California Wildfires

Farmers Insurance reported it has received more than 4,000 claims from the Northern California wildfires to date at an estimated gross cost of $1.2 billion. With reinsurance, the Los Angeles-based carrier estimates its incurred loss will be $140 million, and …

Wind Threat Remains as Crews Gain on Huge California Wildfire

After achieving increased containment on one of the biggest wildfires in California history, officials warned that communities remain at risk and the threat could increase as unpredictable winds whip up again. Red Flag warnings for fire danger due to Santa …

California Commissioner Wants Halt to Moratoriums in Wildfire Areas

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has issued a formal notice to insurers directing them to cease any and all moratoriums on auto insurance and reminding them that California law prohibits the practice. Jones issued the notice in response to insurers …