Louisiana Supreme Court News

Louisiana Court May Reopen Window for Suits by Adult Victims of Child Sex Abuse

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Louisiana’s Supreme Court agreed Friday to reconsider its recent ruling that wiped out a state law giving adult victims of childhood sexual abuse a renewed opportunity to file damage lawsuits. The law was passed by the …

5th Circuit Seeks Clarification from Louisiana Supreme Court on Application of Anti-Indemnity Act to Salt Mine

A federal appellate court is asking the Louisiana Supreme Court whether a law that was passed to protect oilfield contractors from demands by big oil companies that they be indemnified for their own mistakes also applies to contractors who work …

Special Trustee Appointed to Assist Clients of McClenny Moseley

The Louisiana Supreme Court appointed an attorney to take control of the “multitude of hurricane and storm-related” lawsuits filed in state courts by McClenny Moseley and Associates. In an order posted online Thursday, the high court named Edward J. Walters …

Lawsuit Seeks to Recover $3M Invested in Louisiana Hurricane-Damage Lawsuits

A restoration contractor that helped finance an effort by McClenny Moseley & Associates to file thousands of hurricane-damage claims in Louisiana wants its $3 million investment back. Access Restoration Services US filed a lawsuit in a Texas state court in …

Louisiana Supreme Ct. Reverses, Rejects Coverage for COVID Shutdown

The Louisiana Supreme Court has joined state high courts across the nation in rejecting a policyholder’s business-interruption claim for income lost because of government restrictions imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19. The high court on Friday reversed the Louisiana …

Few Attorneys Left at Troubled McClenny Moseley & Associates

McClenny Moseley & Associates filed more than 2,000 hurricane-damage lawsuits in Louisiana, but now appears to have no attorneys left in the state to pursue them. Three attorneys who once worked in MMA’s New Orleans office have posted notice on …

Louisiana Court Tosses COVID-Related Charges Against Pastor

The Louisiana Supreme Court threw out charges Friday against a pastor who flouted restrictions on gatherings early in the coronavirus pandemic, ruling 5-2 that the governor’s executive orders violated freedom of religion. “This is a tremendous win for religious civil …

Louisiana Court: Protest Leader Can be Sued For Cop’s Injury

A Louisiana police officer injured when violence broke out over the police killing of a Black man in Baton Rouge in 2016 has grounds to pursue a lawsuit against a protest organizer, Louisiana’s Supreme Court said last week. The 6-1 …

Louisiana Court Disbars Attorney Who Allegedly Mishandled Client’s Claim Case

The Louisiana Supreme Court has disbarred a Lafayette attorney accused of failing to properly handle a client’s case, then lying to investigators about it. Brad Thomas Andrus was formally disbarred, ordered to pay investigation costs and must participate in a …

Louisiana Supreme Court Upholds Employer COVID Vaccine Mandate

The Louisiana Supreme Court on Jan. 7 unanimously upheld a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for the state’s largest healthcare system. The ruling was handed down the same day that the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments about the Biden administration’s order for …