Louisiana News

Report: Upgrading FEMA Flood Maps Would Save Lives, Stem Losses

Nearly four years after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, researchers called on the federal government to upgrade its flood maps, arguing that the effort could save lives as well as stem losses to properties and businesses. The Federal Emergency Management …

Lawsuit: Defective Helicopter Caused Deadly Crash

The relatives of three sailors who died when a helicopter crashed off the San Diego coast during a Navy training mission filed a lawsuit against seven companies that manufactured and sold the aircraft and its parts. The lawsuit filed in …

Lawmakers May Intervene in La. Insurance Department Audit Dispute

An ongoing dispute between the Louisiana’s legislative auditor and insurance commissioner is marring Louisiana’s ability to certify its year-end financial statements. Lawmakers on the joint House and Senate budget committee said they may intervene in the disagreement, worried that it …


Risk management and insurance services provider IMA of Texas Inc. announced additions to its Health Care, Employee Benefits and Surety departments. Michael J. Jacoby has been hired as vice president and national director of the Health Care Practice Group. He …

It Figures

7% Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corp. board has approved a 7 percent increase in statewide average homeowners rates. The company initially wanted a 14 percent increase, but the insurance department rejected that amount as unjustifiable. The state-backed insurer must submit …

They’re Baaaaack!

The lawmakers are back, at least in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Louisiana has to wait until April for the pleasure. For now, though, bars and restaurants in Little Rock, Oklahoma City and Austin will rejoice in the increase in receipts …


No Fund at All “The Legislature was wise in setting up the disaster fund, but we were cheap in not funding it. … A fund that doesn’t have any money in it is pretty much like no fund at all.” …

Louisiana Ranks Highly in Highway Safety Report

A report recently released by the Washington, D.C.-based Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety included Louisiana in list of 15 states to have made progress in enacting key highway safety laws. Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas did not fare so well. …

Nevada Names Kipper Insurance Commissioner

Scott J. Kipper has been named the new commissioner of the Nevada Division of Insurance, Dianne Cornwall, director of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, announced. Kipper will replace former Commissioner Alice Molasky Arman, who retired in 2008. Previously, …

Agents Speak Out on ‘Putting Back the Pieces’ After Brooke

Brooke Group Declares Bankruptcy, Faces Rico Charges, More Lawsuits Technically, Brooke Franchise owes me $7 million, but who knows if I will ever see it,” said Roger Cunningham, former Brooke franchisee and agent/ owner of RKC Financial in the Dallas/Ft. …