Louisiana News

Nebraska Could Be Next State for Fire-Safe Cigarette Law

Nebraska has fallen out of the mainstream when it comes to smoking-related laws, but that could change. Thirty-seven states have passed laws requiring that all cigarettes sold in their states be fire-safe. Nebraska is not among them, but the state …

Louisiana State Police Say Roads Safer Due to Increased Enforcement

Increased enforcement on the state’s roadways by Louisiana State Police troopers has led to a decrease in the number of fatal crashes, injury crashes, and even minor property damage crashes, the LSP says. State Police Troop A wrote more citations …

North Dakota Republican Seeks Fines to Curb Driving While Texting

North Dakota Rep. Lawrence Klemin recalls the driver who pulled alongside him at a stoplight recently, eyes down, thumbs frantically working a tiny keyboard that was propped on the steering wheel. “When the stoplight changed to green, they took off, …

Lawyers Hope to Fix Catastrophe- Related Insurance Problems

The nation’s lawyers who deal with insurance issues are developing policy recommendations designed to improve access to insurance coverage, reduce litigation over coverage and mitigate future losses involving natural catastrophes. Insurance lawyers of the American Bar Association (ABA) see inadequate …

La. Ranks High For Safe Driving Laws, Other S.C. States, not so Much

A new report finds Louisiana is among 15 states to have made progress in enacting key highway safety laws. Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas did not fare so well. The 55-page study was done by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, …

Nevada Names Kipper Insurance Commissioner

Scott J. Kipper has been named the new commissioner of the Nevada Division of Insurance, Dianne Cornwall, director of the Nevada Department of Business & Industry, announced. Kipper will replace former Commissioner Alice Molasky-Arman who retired in 2008. Previously, Kipper …

Waiver Granted for Mobile Homes in Louisiana’s Cameron Parish

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has announced it would allow mobile homes for hurricane victims in areas that new maps indicate are at risk of future flooding in Cameron Parish. But the occupants must be out of the units by …

Business Moves

CRC Insurance, TAPCO Underwriters CRC Insurance Services Inc., the wholesale insurance subsidiary of BB&T Corp. principal subsidiary Branch Banking and Trust Co., plans to acquire TAPCO Underwriters Inc. The transaction was to be completed Dec. 31. Terms were not disclosed. …

Business Moves

Editor’s Note: For a comprehensive report of mergers and acquisitions for 2008, see Special Report: Agency Mergers in 2008 in the Dec. 22, 2008, edition of Insurance Journal. Euclid Insurance, Illinois American Insurance Agency Euclid Insurance Services Inc., has acquired …

Business Moves

The following mergers are in addition to those reported for the 2008 calendar year in Insurance Journal’s year-end issue, Dec. 22, 2008. CRC Insurance, TAPCO Underwriters CRC Insurance Services Inc., the wholesale insurance subsidiary of BB&T Corp. principal subsidiary Branch …