Louisiana News

Report: Louisiana Could Have More Than 2M Jobs in 2015

Growth in the Lake Charles and Baton Rouge, La., areas is expected to help boost employment in Louisiana to an all-time high of more than 2 million jobs in 2015 in spite of plodding national growth, a new report said. …

Red Light Cameras Up for Renewal in Baton Rouge

The East Baton Rouge Metro Council is set to decide whether to kill or renew Baton Rouge, La.’s red light camera program, which has been panned by detractors as unevenly enforced but is credited by supporters with reducing dangerous crashes. …

Louisiana Researchers Studying Coastal Land Values

It’s no surprise that some coastal wetlands are more valuable than others, but the question several researchers at LSU are trying to answer is how much more valuable. Walter Keithly, associate professor and Richard Kazmierczak, professor with the Center for …

Storm System Karen Dissipates Off Gulf Coast

After days of slowing moving toward the Gulf Coast, the storm system Karen dissipated over the weekend. The National Hurricane Center in Miami says that as of Sunday morning, only remnants of Karen remained, and were moving eastward off the …

State Farm Raising Louisiana Homeowner Insurance Rates

State Farm is raising Louisiana homeowner rates an average of 8.7 percent statewide for its nearly 308,000 policyholders. According to State Farm’s filing with the insurance department, the statewide increase will generate $40.1 million. The Advocate reports the higher rates …

Louisiana State Treasurer Suggests State-Run Flood Insurance Plan

Seeking a way to ease skyrocketing federal flood insurance rates, state Treasurer John Kennedy has suggested that Louisiana should consider getting in the business of offering flood insurance coverage to its residents. Kennedy said state officials should look at creating …

Lawsuit: Pollution from Louisiana Fire Making Residents Sick

About a dozen Slaughter, La., residents allege respiratory problems and diminished property values in a lawsuit filed in the wake of the Nov. 19 blaze that destroyed the Monolyte Laboratories Inc. chemical facility. The Advocate reports the suit, filed in …

Former Jefferson Parish Administrator, Agency Owner Agrees to $10K Ethics Fine

Tim Whitmer, the former Jefferson Parish, Louisiana administrator whose private insurance work led to a corruption scandal that toppled Parish President Aaron Broussard’s administration, has agreed to a state ethics fine of $10,000. The Times-Picayune reports Whitmer and his company, …

Louisiana Commissioner: Complexity of Health Law ‘Mind-Boggling’

Louisiana’s insurance commissioner said that there is “no way at all” that people have enough information to make decisions when the new health insurance marketplaces created by the federal Affordable Care Act open next week. Registration opens Oct. 1 for …

Work-Related Fatalities Decline in Louisiana in 2012

The number of work-related fatalities in 2012 in Louisiana declined to 106, according to a preliminary count by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries. This is down slightly from the revised figure of 111 deaths …