Louisiana News

New Laws on Louisiana’s Books Include Tougher Penalties for Texting

More than 650 new laws took effect in Louisiana this week, including revisions to existing statutes and arcane adjustments of insurance and health care regulations. New abortion regulations will require ultrasound exams for all women getting abortions, and also will …

Alabama Becomes First State to Sue BP, Others for Gulf Oil ‘Catastrophe’

Alabama is suing BP Plc, Transocean and Halliburton for “catastrophic harm” caused by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the state’s attorney general said Friday. Alabama is the first state to sue BP for damage from the world’s worst offshore …

Tropical Cyclone Heads for Northern Gulf of Mexico

An area of low pressure moving over the Florida Panhandle was expected to track southward into the northern Gulf of Mexico by early Monday and had a 50 percent chance of becoming a tropical cyclone in the next 48 hours, …

Louisiana Targets Companies Marketing Bogus Health Insurance Plans

Louisiana Department of Insurance Fraud Section investigators have served the American Trade Association, its 13 companion companies and 14 personnel with cease and desist orders, for selling unauthorized insurance in Louisiana. The companies are said to have fraudulently marketed “medical …

BP Oil Spill Disaster Creates Some Opportunities

No matter which television channel or Web site you turn to, the Gulf oil spill has dominated the news. This is an environmental crisis that will affect the region’s economic capabilities and natural resources for years, if not decades, to …

Storm Depression Headed for Spill Site

The National Hurricane Center says a tropical depression has formed in the Gulf of Mexico and is headed toward the oil spill site off the coast of Louisiana. BP and Coast Guard officials had already decided to stop drilling on …

Louisiana High Court Asked to Look at Insurer Duties in Road Home Case

Are some 151,000 homeowners insurance claim assignments made to the state of Louisiana as part of its Road Home program legal under Louisiana law? That’s the question the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has certified to the Louisiana Supreme …

How Oil in Gulf Region Could Complicate Hurricane Recovery

If a hurricane hits the Gulf Coast and whips up oil from BP’s massive spill, cleanup workers will not be able to swoop into action to fix the mess. A new Obama administration edict requires that the oil be tested …

August Begins Busiest Phase for Hurricane Season

Record high ocean temperatures and the development of a climate phenomenon known as La Nina will keep the Atlantic hurricane season on track to be the busiest since 2005, according to government forecasters. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has …

Kipper Named Deputy Commissioner in Louisiana Insurance Department

Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon has named Scott Kipper as the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) Deputy Commissioner of the Office of Health. “This is a critical time for the Department of Insurance as we begin the implementation phase of national …