low insurance penetration News

Swiss Re 2015 Economic Cat Loss Initial Estimates = $85Bn; $32Bn Insured

Swiss Re’s latest sigma report preliminarily estimates that total economic losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters will reach approximately $85 billion in 2015. Insured losses, however, were just $32 billion. In total, approximately 26,000 people lost their lives in …

Lloyd’s Syndicates Join Forces to Help Emerging Markets Build Nat Cat Resilience

Eight Lloyd’s syndicates are joining forces to develop new solutions to help developing economies tackle underinsurance and improve their resilience against the economic impact of natural catastrophes. Emerging economies across Latin America, Africa, and Asia currently contribute 40 percent to …

Spain’s Insurance Market has Continued to Show Resilience: A.M. Best

Spain’s insurance market has continued to show resilience, with companies focusing on profitability as the country’s economy showed further signs of recovery, according to a new report from A.M. Best, entitled – “Sticking to the Basics Ensures Resilience of the …

Typhoon Mujigae Hits So. China; Strongest Cyclone to Hit Region: AIR Worldwide

Typhoon Mujigae – also called Kabayan – made landfall in China’s Guangdong Province on October 4 with reported wind speeds up to 135 miles per hour (217 kilometers per hour) in some locations. Mujigae quickly moved from a Category 3 …

A.M. Best: European Insurers Continue Emerging Markets’ Growth – with Caution

In an attempt to deploy excess capital, some major European insurers have developed overseas operations over the past several years but are now taking a more cautious approach, as not all overseas strategies have proven successful, according to a new …

India PM Modi Plans Expansion of Farmer Insurance before India State Elections

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is planning to give farmers comprehensive insurance coverage as he looks to win state elections in largely rural areas. The government will start the new insurance program in the winter crop running from October to …

Nepal Earthquake Losses Could Top $2 Billion; Sparse Insurance Coverage

The earthquake that struck Nepal caused about $2 billion in economic losses in the country, and only a fraction of the cost will be incurred by insurers, according to Kinetic Analysis Corp. Damage in India could cost an additional $800 …

AIG’s 13-Year Wait Gets Longer as Modi Rebuffed: Corporate India

American International Group Inc. has waited 13 years in India to raise its stake in a local venture from a maximum allowed 26 percent. That wait is about to get longer. Opposition lawmakers, during the current session of parliament scheduled …

Typhoon Rammasun Makes Landfall in Philippines; AIR Analysis

Catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide reported that Typhoon Rammasun made landfall in the Philippine province of Sorsogon with sustained winds of 157 km/h (98 mph) on Tuesday, July 15, in late afternoon local time. The storm is heading for Manila. …

Swiss Re Reports 2013 Disaster Losses at $130 Billion; $44 Billion Insured

According to preliminary estimates from Swiss Re’s latest sigma report, insured losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2013 are estimated to be around $44 billion, down from $81 billion in 2012. Insured losses from natural catastrophes are at …