low interest rates News

Arch Capital’s Investment Analyst Whitney to Review Private-Equity, Hedge Funds

Meredith Whitney, the former banking analyst hired by Arch Capital Group Ltd. to help oversee the insurer’s stock portfolio, will also work with the company’s investment team to review possible alternative investments, which can include hedge funds and private equity. …

Swiss Re Confirms ‘Four Pillar’ Strategic Framework for Continued Growth

Swiss Re, at its annual Investors’ Day Conference, unveiled its strategic framework to “position the company strongly vis-à-vis current and future opportunities and challenges facing the re/insurance industry.” The world’s second largest reinsurer said it would stress “systematic and fast …

Emerging Markets Are Growth Engines for Re/Insurance Industry: Swiss Re Report

The global economy is expected to strengthen moderately next year, which will support insurance premium growth in most regions, according to Swiss Re’s latest publication titled “Global insurance review 2015 and outlook 2016/17.” Demand for non-life insurance is expected to …

German Advisers Warn Europe’s Low Interest Rate Policies Risk Financial Stability

The German government’s panel of economic advisers said on Wednesday the European Central Bank’s low interest rates were creating substantial risks, and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned of a “moral hazard” from loose monetary policy. The double-barreled message came after …

A.M. Best: Europe Insurance Market Begins Recovery; Life Sector Drives Growth

Europe’s largest insurance markets have continued to show some signs of recovery, with many experiencing top-line growth, driven by the life sector, according to a new report by A.M. Best. In general, the increases in total gross written premium (GWP) …

Best Affirms Munich Re and Subs Ratings; Outlook Stable

A.M. Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of ‘A+’ (Superior) and the issuer credit ratings of “aa-” of Munich Reinsurance Company and its subsidiaries. Best has also affirmed the “issue ratings” of Munich Re, as well as the ICR …

PwC Concludes South African Insurers Seeking Technology Partnerships

South Africa’s biggest insurers are considering technology and telecommunications partnerships as they seek ways to improve earnings to counter increased competition and a slowing economy, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC. “There are a few tie-ups being worked on,” Victor Muguto, PwC’s …

Norway’s Failure to Provide Solvency Guidance Unnerves Investors: Storebrand

Norway is unnerving investors by failing to give clear signals on the implementation of the next step in insurance industry regulations, according to Storebrand ASA, Norway’s largest listed life insurer said. Authorities have surprised the market several times, making investors …

A.M. Best: European Insurers Continue Emerging Markets’ Growth – with Caution

In an attempt to deploy excess capital, some major European insurers have developed overseas operations over the past several years but are now taking a more cautious approach, as not all overseas strategies have proven successful, according to a new …

Germany’s Talanx Invests in Renewable Energy to Counter Low Interest Rates

Talanx AG, the German insurance company buying into its first offshore wind farm, said it’s likely to purchase more renewable-energy assets. The insurer sees renewables as offering “long-term, bigger yields than from assets such as state bonds,” Chief Financial Officer …