LTL Management News

New Talc-Related Class Action Lawsuit Goes After J&J for Fraudulent Conveyance

With recent news that Johnson & Johnson is going forward with a third bankruptcy plan of a subsidiary to settle tens of thousand of lawsuits that its talc products cause cancer, a class-action lawsuit was filed today alleging the company’s …

J&J Advances $6.48 Billion Settlement of Talc Cancer Lawsuits

Johnson & Johnson said Wednesday it is moving forward with a $6.48 billion proposed settlement of tens of thousands of lawsuits alleging that its baby powder and other talc products contain asbestos and cause ovarian cancer. The deal would allow …

J&J Sets Up 3rd Talc Bankruptcy Bid by Moving Unit to Texas

Johnson & Johnson is seeking to move a unit to Texas as it prepares for a potential third bankruptcy court filing to resolve more than 50,000 lawsuits alleging tainted talc in its baby powder caused cancer. The company filed a …

Doctor Asks Court to Toss J&J Lawsuit Against Her Over Cancer Research

A medical researcher has asked a court to throw out a lawsuit that Johnson & Johnson filed against her over her 2019 study on the links between cosmetic talc products and cancer, saying that her research is sound and protected …

J&J Talc Cancer Plaintiffs Want 6-Month Ban on Further Bankruptcy Filings

Lawyers for thousands of people who claim Johnson & Johnson’s talc-based powders caused them to develop cancer on Wednesday urged a U.S. judge to temporarily block the company from seeking bankruptcy protection for a third time for its talc subsidiary. …

J&J Effort to Resolve Talc Lawsuits in Bankruptcy Fails a Second Time

A U.S. judge on Friday shot down Johnson & Johnson’s second attempt to resolve tens of thousands of lawsuits over its talc products in bankruptcy, imperiling a proposed $8.9 billion settlement that would stop new lawsuits from being filed. U.S. …

Cancer Plaintiffs Drill Down on J&J’s Support for $8.9B Talc Deal

The lead negotiators for Johnson & Johnson’s proposed $8.9 billion settlement of thousands of talc lawsuits faced intense questioning in U.S. bankruptcy court on Wednesday about how much support the company has for the deal. During a multi-day court hearing …

J&J’s $8.9 Billion Talc Settlement Faces Bankruptcy Test

Johnson & Johnson’s proposed $8.9 billion settlement of thousands of lawsuits alleging that its talc products cause cancer faces a crucial hurdle this week as a U.S. bankruptcy judge in New Jersey considers whether or not a J&J subsidiary may …

J&J’s Proposed Talc Settlement Would Pay $400 Million to State AGs

Johnson & Johnson has set aside $400 million to resolve U.S. state consumer protection actions as part of its broader $8.9 billion effort to settle claims that its Baby Powder and other talc products cause cancer. J&J subsidiary LTL Management …

Cancer Victims Urge Judge to Dismiss J&J Talc Unit’s Second Bankruptcy

Cancer victims on Monday urged a U.S. judge to dismiss a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary’s second bankruptcy filing, saying that the company is abusing the bankruptcy system in its renewed attempt to resolve tens of thousands of lawsuits alleging that …