Luxembourg News

AXA’s Bébéar, de Castries Under Formal Investigation in French Tax Probe

On June 12, French police detained and questioned AXA’s Management Board Chairman Henri de Castries and his predecessor, the company’s founder Claude Bébéar, who now presides over its Supervisory Board, about a massive tax evasion scheme involving former AXA subsidiary …

AXA’s Bébéar, de Castries Under Formal Investigation in French Tax Probe

On June 12, French police detained and questioned AXA’s Management Board Chairman Henri de Castries and his predecessor, the company’s founder Claude Bébéar, who now presides over its Supervisory Board, about a massive tax evasion scheme involving former AXA subsidiary …

RMS Releases New European Windstorm Models

Newark, California-based Risk Management Solutions has released “two comprehensive data products designed to quantify the risks associated with European windstorms.” The heavy losses, $14.4 billion ($7.8 billion insured), caused by the storms Lothar and Martin at the end of 1999 …

AXA Founder, Chairman Released on Bail – Tax Probe Continues

Claude Bébéar, AXA’s founder and head of its advisory board, and its current CEO, Henri de Castries, were freed yesterday after each posted a 2 million franc ($258,000) bond. The two business leaders remain under investigation, however, in connection with …

Police Question AXA’s de Castries, Bébéar in

French police detained and questioned AXA’s Management Board Chairman Henri de Castries, and his predecessor the company’s founder Claude Bébéar, who now presides over its Supervisory Board, about a massive tax evasion scheme involving PanEuroLife, a Luxembourg-based subsidiary of UAP, …

The Changing Face of the London Insurance Market: Lloyd’s Admits ‘Foreign’ Brokers-Ins-sure Takes Ov

The London insurance market achieved two significant milestones recently with the admission to Lloyd’s membership of three non-U.K.-based brokers, and the launch of Ins-sure Services, Ltd., which will assume the responsibility of managing back office procedures for both Lloyd’s and …

Lloyd’s Admits ‘Foreign’ Brokers, Ins-sure Services Launched

The London insurance market achieved two significant milestones recently with the admission to Lloyd’s membership of three non-U.K.-based brokers, and the launch of Ins-sure Services Ltd., which will assume the responsibility of managing back office procedures for both Lloyd’s and …


A.M. Best’s newly published Captive Directory reports that 245 new captive insurance companies were formed in 2000, while 170 were liquidated, a net gain of 31.6 percent over 1999. Best predicted further growth in 2001 to result from a continued …

Lloyd’s Admits Non-U.K. Based Brokers For the First Time

Of the six new brokers admitted to Lloyd’s select fraternity five are based outside of the U.K., marking the first time that the venerable institution has given foreign brokers direct access to the Lloyd’s market. Beginning this year Lloyd’s revamped …

Best Reports 31.6% Increase in Captive Formations in 2000

Insurance specialist A.M. Best’s newly published Captive Directory reports that there were 245 new captive insurance companies formed last year, while 170 were liquidated, a net gain of 31.6 percent over 1999. Best predicted further growth in 2001, “due to …