machine learning News

With Smarter, Joined-Up Pricing, There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Risk: Viewpoint

It’s a well-trodden truth in our industry that not all risks are created equal, and for insurers, that some risks are riskier than others. However, new technologies mean new avenues of innovation for insurers to explore, providing opportunities to drastically …

How Big Tech Is Using Artificial Intelligence to Stop Hackers

Last year, Microsoft Corp.’s Azure security team detected suspicious activity in the cloud computing usage of a large retailer: One of the company’s administrators, who usually logs on from New York, was trying to gain entry from Romania. And no, …

Robots Haven’t Eliminated Many Jobs – So Far: World Bank

The rise of automation has so far had a negligible impact on jobs at a global scale, the World Bank chief economist said, despite common gloomy predictions that humans are set to be replaced by machines. While advanced economies have …

Competition in Artificial Intelligence Is Like New Space Race: Viewpoint

It’s been another year of relentless artificial-intelligence hype and incremental AI achievement. Machines still beat humans only in carefully constructed environments or at narrow tasks. The good news is that, as the technology progresses, the race for leadership is still …

Los Alamos Lab Research Findings Could Lead to Earthquake Early Warning System

Machine-learning research published in two related papers today in Nature Geosciences reports the detection of seismic signals accurately predicting the Cascadia fault’s slow slippage, a type of failure observed to precede large earthquakes in other subduction zones. The researchers at …

Connecticut Insurance Department Partnering with RiskGenius in Tech Pilot Program

The Connecticut Insurance Department is one of nine state insurance regulators participating in a pilot program to test a web-based platform that uses machine learning. The pilot states are partnering with RiskGenius, a Kansas-based tech company that has developed software …

It’s Not Easy to Teach Robot Drivers to Think Like Humans

Robot cars make for annoying drivers. Relative to human motorists, the driverless vehicles now undergoing testing on public roads are overly cautious, maddeningly slow, and prone to abrupt halts or bizarre paralysis caused by bikers, joggers, crosswalks or anything else …

Will Robots Take Your Job? It Depends on Where You Live: OECD

Will robots take your job? The answer depends on where you live. The threat varies “strikingly” between countries and regions, with as many as 40 percent of jobs at “high risk” in Western Slovakia and just 4 percent in the …

New AI Programs Can Learn How to Beat Best Cyber Defenses

The nightmare scenario for computer security – artificial intelligence programs that can learn how to evade even the best defenses – may already have arrived. That warning from security researchers is driven home by a team from IBM Corp. who …

Robots Portend Grim Future for Working Class: Viewpoint

Marc Andreessen, venture capitalist and one of the pioneers of the world wide web, once declared: “The spread of computers and the internet will put jobs in two categories. People who tell computers what to do, and people who are …