Maine News

Study: Workers’ Compensation Public Options Outperform Private Industry

State funds blunt the impact of bigger losses through concerted loss prevention efforts. An insurance industry think tank has concluded that 25 public and quasi-public workers’ compensation insurance plans perform better financially than the private market in a number of …

Study: Workers’ Compensation Public Options Outperform Private Industry

State funds blunt the impact of bigger losses through concerted loss prevention efforts. An insurance industry think tank has concluded that 25 public and quasi-public workers’ compensation insurance plans perform better financially than the private market in a number of …

States and Cell Phone Driving Laws

A jurisdiction-wide ban on driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone is in place in 7 states (California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Washington) and the District of Columbia. Utah has named the offense careless driving. …

Study: Workers’ Compensation Public Options Outperform Private Industry

State funds blunt the impact of bigger losses through concerted loss prevention efforts. An insurance industry think tank has concluded that 25 public and quasi-public workers’ compensation insurance plans perform better financially than the private market in a number of …

New Markets

The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of 25,000 coverages and programs. To find additional markets, or to submit markets, go to Apartments Low Income Subsidized Housing Market Detail: Housing Insurance Services offers programs through two admitted …

Study: Workers’ Compensation Public Options Outperform Private Industry

An insurance industry think tank has concluded that 25 public and quasi-public workers’ compensation insurance plans perform better financially than the private market in a number of performance categories and at least as well when it comes to the bottom …

Pressure Builds for More States to Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving

The Obama administration reported that nearly 6,000 people were killed and a half-million injured last year in vehicle crashes connected to driver distraction, a striking indication of the dangers of using mobile devices behind the wheel. The Transportation Department recently …

Insurance Brokerage M&A Took a 3rd Quarter Vacation

Deal making wasn’t at the top of the list of summer activities this season, but deal vacation was. Third quarter merger and acquisition (M&A) activity continued declining to just 30 announced transactions between July and September. This quarterly activity follows …

Business Moves

Norfolk & Dedham, Rockingham Two East Coast-based mutual insurance companies have formed a mutual alliance that they say allows them to achieve efficiencies, diversification and spread of risk without actually merging their companies. The Norfolk & Dedham Group and the …

Healthcare Quality Varies Widely By State, Study Finds

The quality of healthcare Americans receive depends largely on where they live, with insurance coverage, access to preventive medicine and disease treatment varying widely from state to state, according to a study released Thursday by the Commonwealth Foundation. “Where you …