Maine News


License camera “It is not storing data at this point or being used for any law enforcement purposes.” — New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne acknowledging that the city has been operating a camera that scans the license plates …

Luxury doesn’t always buy safety

Owning a BMW, Mercedes, Lexus or Volvo may mean a driver will ride in style, but when it comes to safety, such luxury vehicles don’t necessarily have the same cachet. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, paying more …

Luxury doesn’t always buy safety

Owning a BMW, Mercedes, Lexus or Volvo may mean a driver will ride in style, but when it comes to safety, such luxury vehicles don’t necessarily have the same cachet. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, paying more …

Luxury doesn’t always buy safety

Owning a BMW, Mercedes, Lexus or Volvo may mean a driver will ride in style, but when it comes to safety, such luxury vehicles don’t necessarily have the same cachet. According to recent studies by the Insurance Institute for Highway …

My New Markets

Contractors Pollution Liability Nuts & Bolts: Sloan Mason is now providing contractor’s pollution liability (CPL) for oilfield diving and sub-sea contractors of all types. For full underwriting review and the best quote, the company requires a CPL supplemental application and …

Luxury doesn’t always buy safety

Owning a BMW, Mercedes, Lexus or Volvo may mean a driver will ride in style, but when it comes to safety, such luxury vehicles don’t necessarily have the same cachet. According to recent studies by the Insurance Institute for Highway …

Survey: MMG of Maine Named Best Ease of Doing Business Performer

More than 8,000 independent agents and brokers assessed the performance of over 220 property and casualty carriers in Deep Customer Connections Inc.’s (DCC) 5th annual Ease of Doing Business (EDB) survey. MMG Insurance of Maine lead this year’s top rated …

N.J. Lawmaker Poised to Advance Health Insurance Mandate Plan

A state senator says he will soon announce plans to require all New Jerseyans to carry medical insurance, but the governor warned that the plan could cost more than $1 billion. “We are going to announce just after the new …

Do Medical Malpractice Screening Panels Lower Costs or Save Time?

A two-year-old New Hampshire law that was supposed to speed up the processing of medical malpractice lawsuits has slowed things down instead. The law created special screening panels designed to encourage people to settle or drop their suits. But in …

Evidence v. Emotion: How Medical Malpractice Screening Panels Work

Not all medical injuries are malpractice. “It’s not easy to tell a patient, ‘You have a harm but it’s not anybody’s fault,”‘ says Marilyn Ashcroft, a medical injury screening panel judge for 15 years in Maine. “The public perception is: …