Maine News


Brady in court “At that moment I wasn’t sure what was happening, if that was normal or not normal.” New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady testifying that he watched his mentor, Charlie Weis, move in and out of consciousness after …

It Figures

1,600 The number of drivers Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley says purchased car insurance from Liberty Mutual in response to a direct mail ad campaign she says was misleading. The ads promoted lower rates and special discounts not available in …

New Markets

Monoline Energy Accounts Nuts & Bolts: MarketScout launched a new exclusive monoline energy workers’ compensation program that accepts most class codes related to the energy industry, including operations “over the hole” and USL&H exposures. Dollars: Statutory and $1 million employers’ …

New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …


1,600 million The number of drivers Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley says purchased car insurance from Liberty Mutual in response to a direct mail ad campaign she says was misleading. The ads promoted lower rates and special discounts not available …


Boston-based Risk Specialists Cos. Inc., a member company of American International Group Inc., has appointed David A. Jordan as chief operating officer. Jordan will continue as a senior vice president of Lexington Insurance Co. In this newly-created position at Risk …

My New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …

Business Moves

Royal & Sun A state hearing officer recommended Delaware’s insurance commissioner approve the proposed management buyout and eventual dissolution of Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group’s U.S. operations. The subject of a lengthy hearing last month, the proposed buyout awaits …


Brady in court “At that moment I wasn’t sure what was happening, if that was normal or not normal.” New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady testifying that he watched his mentor, Charlie Weis, move in and out of consciousness after …

New Markets

Trucking Auto Physical Damage Nuts & Bolts: AIX Group Inc., a specialty insurance holding company, has formed a new program to provide automobile physical damage coverage to commercial trucking operations. This program will be targeting operations with above average loss …