Malaysia News

Pirates Attempt to Board Two Tankers near Singapore

Pirates attempted to board two tankers in a busy shipping lane off southern Malaysia on Monday, a regional government security agency said. Five men tried to board Panama-registered tanker Pacific Harmony early on Monday near the southern Malaysian port of …

S&P Reports ‘Sukuk’ Market is Growing, Despite ‘Some Roadblocks’

A report from Standard & Poor’s Paris office – The Sukuk Market Has Continued To Progress In 2009 Despite Some Roadblocks – notes that new issues of “sukuk (bonds compliant with Islamic law) topped $9.3 billion in the first seven …

Willis Increases Equity Stake to 49% in Malaysian Business

In a move, which it described as designed to “strengthen its standing as one of the leading global brokers in Asia,” Willis Group Holdings announced that it has “increased its shareholding in its Malaysian business, Willis (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, from …

Developing El Nino Could Suppress Atlantic Hurricanes

El Nino weather anomaly has developed and it may not be as strong as the killer which struck more than a decade ago, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said Thursday. The CPC, an office under the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, …

El Nino Weather Pattern Increasing Says Australian Weather Bureau

The development of an El Nino weather pattern is increasing and at this stage may be a medium-strength event, but it could take months for it to be officially declared, Australia’s weather bureau said. “We are warming reasonably rapidly. The …

Fight for IPC Re Intensifies; Pirates Continue Attacks; Solvency II Gets EU OK

A good old-fashioned fight has developed between Bermuda-based Validus Holdings and the Max Capital Group over the latter’s planned amalgamation with IPC Re. At the end of March, Max announced that it had made a deal with IPC Re’s board …

Ocean Conference Seeks Ways to Stem Climate Change

Participants in a major conference in Indonesia this week have a rare opportunity to seek political commitment to utilizing the world’s oceans in the fight against climate change, a top official from the host country said. The World Ocean Conference …

Fight against Pirates Also Needed Ashore Says Top Navy Admiral

The fight against piracy must involve efforts on land and at sea, the U.S. Navy’s top officer said Monday, saying the issue was more complex than just putting arms on commercial ships. “Pirates don’t live at sea. They live ashore. …

Global Takaful Market On Growth Track

Growth in the emerging global Islamic insurance industry, or takaful, is waning slightly due to the economic slowdown, but remains strong as more people switch from conventional insurance. The global market is seen growing as much as 30 to 40 …

Hawaii Commissioner: State Based Insurance Regulation Works

There’s a need for state-based insurance regulation, according to Hawaii Insurance Commissioner J. P. Schmidt. Speaking to professors and experts in finance from around the world in his keynote speech at the 16th Annual Global Financial Conference. Commissioner Schmidt’s speech …