man made earthquakes News

Testimony: Former Oklahoma Seismologist Felt Pressured not to Link Quakes, Oil and Gas

Oklahoma’s former lead seismologist says he felt pressured by an official at the University of Oklahoma to not link the state’s surge in earthquakes to oil and gas production. The Tulsa World reports that Austin Holland’s sworn testimony came in …

RMS Releases Updated N. America Earthquake Models for U.S., Canada & Mexico

RMS, the Newark, Calif.-based risk modeling and analytics firm, announced the release of version 17.0 of its North America Earthquake Models for the United States, Canada and Mexico. The updated model will enable RMS clients to manage their risk accumulations …

Can States Stop Man-Made Earthquakes?

Stopping an earthquake before it starts? It sounds like a feat possible only for a superhero. But in Kansas and Oklahoma state policymakers are showing that insofar as humans are causing earthquakes, they can stop them, too. After restricting oil …

Oklahoma Officials Avoid Tough Measures Despite More, Stronger Quakes

In Oklahoma, now the country’s earthquake capital, people are talking nervously about the big one as man-made quakes get stronger, more frequent and closer to major population centers. Next door in Kansas, they’re feeling on firmer ground though no one …

Why Scientists Are Causing Earthquakes

Earthquakes never occur when needed so a team led by Johns Hopkins structural engineers is shaking up a building themselves in the name of science and safety. Using massive moving platforms and an array of sensors and cameras, the researchers …