mandatory vaccine News

Supreme Court Justice Denies Detective’s Bid to Block New York City’s Vaccine Mandate

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Monday denied an appeal from a New York Police Department detective who asked for an emergency injunction to keep the city from firing him over its mandate that municipal employees be vaccinated against …

Supreme Court to Take Up COVID Mandate Jan. 7

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Jan. 7 on whether the Biden administration can order workers at private companies and health care employees to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Until the court rules, millions of workers face a patchwork of …

U.S. Asks Appeals Court to Lift Stay on COVID Vaccine Mandate or Allow Mask Rule

The U.S. government asked a federal appeals court to immediately lift a court-ordered stay on a sweeping workplace COVID-19 vaccine rule to avoid “enormous” harm to public health, or alternatively to allow a masking-and-testing requirement, according to a court filing. …

OSHA Unveils Details of Workplace Vaccine Mandate Rule with Deadline After Holidays

The nation’s workplace safety agency will officially publish tomorrow emergency guidelines for companies that must implement President Biden’s mandatory vaccine policy for employees. The policy covers employers with 100 or more employees and requires them to enforce a mandatory COVID-19 …

1 in 4 Large Firms Has Vaccine Mandate for Employees, With More Coming: Gartner

One in four companies has instituted a vaccine mandate for U.S. workers, a sharp increase from last month, following President Joe Biden’s directive ordering large employers to require shots or weekly testing. Another 13% of companies plan to put a …

Benefits Firm Unum to Offer Digital Vaccination Verification Tool

Employee benefits firm Unum said it will soon launch a product to help employers determine employees’ COVID-19 vaccination status and manage vaccine exemptions and testing results. In anticipation of recent federal vaccination and testing mandates, the product promises to ease …

Employers Watching Cases of Colleges, Teachers with Disabilities Over Remote Work

A legal battle is brewing over remote work between administrators at U.S. colleges committed to in-person classes and some faculty with disabilities. Experts warn it is a precursor of what awaits employers that order staff back to the office amid …

Despite Police Officer, Firefighter Deaths, Some Still Resist COVID Vaccines

It was supposed to be a turning point in the coronavirus pandemic for Erin Tokley, a longtime Philadelphia police officer, Baptist minister and 47-year-old father of three. It was supposed to be the day of his vaccine appointment. Instead it …

What’s an Employer to Do If Workers Avoid COVID Vaccine?

What can employers do if workers avoid COVID-19 vaccines? They can require vaccination and fire employees who don’t comply, or take other actions such as withholding company perks or charging extra for health insurance. Businesses for months have been encouraging …

FDA’s COVID Vaccine Approval Makes Challenges to Mandates Tougher to Win

Formal U.S approval of the Pfizer Inc /BioNTech SE COVID-19 vaccine will make it nearly impossible to successfully challenge mandates by employers, legal experts said. The decision by the Food and Drug Administration to give full approval to the vaccine …