manufacturing industry News

Biden Awards $2.8B to Boost U.S. Minerals Output for EV Batteries

Updated: 1:15pm EDT, Oct 19 The Biden administration said on Wednesday it is awarding $2.8 billion in grants to boost U.S. production of electric vehicle batteries and the minerals used to build them, part of a bid to wean the …

Beazley, Marsh Launch Cyber Coverage Product for Manufacturers

Beazley and Marsh have partnered to provide tailored cyber insurance cover and breach response for U.S. manufacturers. The new Manufacturer’s First Response, a Marsh and Beazley Breach Response (BBR) initiative, offers coverages tailored specifically to address cyber and operational risks …

Newspaper Analysis: Ohio Per Capita Income on Rise

Ohio’s per capita income rose at one of the fastest rates in the nation last year, another sign that the Rust Belt state’s economy is bouncing back after the recession. The measure that includes all earnings – wages, dividends, interest …