Marijuana business News

Marijuana Banking Overhaul Removed from China Competition Bill

Lawmakers have dropped language aimed at making banking services easier for state-authorized marijuana businesses from a bill on US innovation and China competitiveness. The broad House-passed legislation included the SAFE Banking Act, which would prohibit federal banking regulators from penalizing …

Cannabis Broker Spotlight: Bozzuto with Cannabis Connect is an Outspoken Advocate for the Business

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of profiles on cannabis brokers, in which Insurance Journal explores why and how these folks got into the business, the ups and downs of insuring cannabis, as well as a few …

Cannabis Deemed an ‘Essential’ Business. Will Insurance Landscape Change?

It’s not just toilet paper and hand sanitizer people have been stocking up on during the COVID-19 crisis. Inventory levels at adult use cannabis stores in the U.S. showed a quick decline after the COVID-19 crisis began, as what was …

Booming Cannabis Conference Business Isn’t Immune to Coronavirus Fears

Cannabis has been touted as a therapy for just about everything from anxiety to cancer, but even the well-affirmed feel-good effects of the now broadly legalized drug aren’t immune to the caustic impact of an unfolding international pandemic. Joining the …

New Colorado Law Tackles Employee Equity, Investment in Startup Cannabis Industry

The startup-laden cannabis industry is probably just right for those who are willing to forego a few extra dollars on their paychecks for the possibility of a bigger payout later when the company grows or goes public. Giving employees an …

California Commissioner Spearheading National Cannabis Insurance Framework

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara is at the forefront of shaping how state insurance regulators all over the U.S. will deal with the legal cannabis market. Lara is not only the chief insurance regulator of the nation’s largest cannabis market …

Global Cannabis Revenue Pushed by Sales Doubling in Some U.S. States

The green rush in the global cannabis market continued in 2019, with sales doubling in seven U.S. states as well as Canada, and you can expect that trend to continue this year, a report out on Thursday shows. The report …

2020 Predictions from Cannabis Industry Experts: More Insurance Business

More legalization in more states. More product liability risks. More regulations. More M&A. More of many things is what insurance professionals involved in the cannabis industry can expect in 2020. Insurance Journal asked four experts watching the cannabis and insurance …

Massive MJBizCon in Vegas Reveals Coverage Gaps, Little Insurance Understanding

If gawking at tons of cannabis-churning pieces of agricultural equipment winding around a quarter-million feet of convention floor space wasn’t your thing, perhaps access to an abundance of pre-rolls, or whiffing jars of fresh, blazing green bud, would do the …

Report Calls Out Dangers of Cannabis Branding Practices

Accurate and honest cannabis branding should be the next best step for the budding industry if it wishes to stave off false advertising and product liability lawsuits, according to the one of the authors of a new report on the …