Marijuana regulations News

The Politics Behind the Push for a Federal Marijuana Business Banking Law

Senator Jeff Merkley once shadowed a cannabis grower and dispenser as he tried to pay his state taxes. He stuffed a backpack with $70,000 in $20 bills and drove 50 miles — unguarded — with the bulging bag in the …

California Moving Ahead with Marijuana Delivery Regulations

California moved a step closer Friday to allowing marijuana deliveries in communities that have banned retail sales of the drug as regulators rebuffed cities and police chiefs who are opposed to the rule. The proposal is a major issue that …

California Surplus Lines Don’t Want to be Left out of State’s Marijuana Regs

California’s surplus lines industry is trying to clear up the haze over a proposed regulation that would require medical marijuana businesses to purchase insurance only from admitted carriers. The regulation is one of several regulations under consideration at a series …