marijuana News

Oregon Legislators Revisit Worker Protections for off Duty Pot Use

Oregon lawmakers will consider making it illegal for businesses to fire employees who flunk drug tests for using marijuana off the clock, reviving a workers’ rights campaign that failed in the statehouse last year. The Statesman Journal reports that a …

More Marijuana Products in California Passing Safety Tests

A higher percentage of California marijuana products are passing strict safety tests, but the sudden closing of a lab that state authorities found wasn’t correctly checking for pesticides has raised new questions about the system intended to protect the purity …

Alaska Marijuana Tax Revenue over $1M in September

Marijuana tax collections in Alaska dipped slightly in September but still totaled about $1.5 million. Figures released by the state Revenue Department show tax revenue of $1.48 million in September, compared to $1.54 million in August, which remains the high. …

Sales of Marijuana in Colorado Topped $1B Through August

A Colorado reports shows marijuana sales in the state have exceeded $1 billion as of August of this year, with tax revenue from those sales reaching $200 million. The Denver Post reports the state Department of Revenue report indicates medical …

Alaska Marijuana Tax Revenue Hits $1.5M in August

Monthly marijuana tax revenue in Alaska hit $1.5 million in August, another new high. The state says the only time this year that tax revenue was below $1 million was in February. Cultivators pay the tax, imposed when marijuana is …

Federal Prosecutor Threatens Law-Breaking Pot Businesses in Colorado

Colorado’s top federal prosecutor says his office may take legal action against licensed marijuana businesses that violate state law or use their status under state law “as a shield” while selling their product on the black market. U.S. Attorney Bob …

Rural Nevada Areas Not as High on Recreational Marijuana

Despite more marijuana licenses available from the state, parts of rural Nevada continue to shun the business. But in other parts of rural Nevada, seeds of industry might be sprouting. Las Vegas dispensary Acres Cannabis has a dispensary under development …

Marijuana Use Suspected in Fatal Colorado Crash

The Colorado State Patrol says a woman killed in a single-vehicle rollover on Interstate 70 is suspected of being under the influence of marijuana at the time. KMGH-TV reported that the crash occurred Monday afternoon near Genesee, west of Denver, …

New Workers’ Comp Program for California’s Cannabis Industry

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones today announced a new workers’ compensation insurance program for California’s cannabis industry. The program was created by Atlas General Insurance Services to serve businesses and workers in the cannabis industry. This program is designed to …

California’s 1st Cannabis Insurer Expands Coverage

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones approved a filing from Golden Bear Insurance Co. amending its California Cannabis program product to lower rates, expand coverage options, and expand the classes of business they will cover. Jones last year approved a Golden …