marijuana News

Lawmakers in Nevada Pushing Blood-Only Detection Of Marijuana DUIs

Weighing in on how Nevada should test people for stoned driving, lawmakers advanced a measure to eliminate urine samples as a viable measure for police to show a driver to be impaired by marijuana. Under the bipartisan proposal, law enforcement …

Texas Driver Who Collided with Church Bus Had Taken Pills, Records Show

A 20-year-old man whose pickup collided with a church minibus last month in rural Texas, killing 13 people, told state troopers he had taken prescription medication before driving and had marijuana in his truck, according to court records. The records …

California Governor Wants to Unite Marijuana Laws

Whether one entity can legally grow and sell marijuana at the retail level in California is emerging as one of the biggest conflicts state authorities are wrestling with as they move to streamline regulations and adopt the same rules for …

Liquor Wholesalers in Nevada Pass on Licenses for Marijuana Distribution

Liquor wholesalers have been slow to sign on to Nevada’s new legal marijuana market, meaning the state must look elsewhere for marijuana middle-men with recreational cannabis sales slated to start July 1, according to the state Department of Taxation. A …

Oregon’s 1st Recreational Marijuana Recall Issued after High Pesticide Level

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission issued its first recall of recreational marijuana after samples of a type of pot were found to contain a level of pesticide residue above the state limit. The Blue Magoo marijuana was sold at Buds …

Former County Commissioner in Oregon Counter Sues in Marijuana Case

A former Jackson County commissioner accused in a lawsuit of bilking investors to finance a pot shop has filed a counterclaim. Doug Breidenthal filed the lawsuit contending his professional reputation has been damaged, the Mail Tribune reported. “As a result …

Colorado Bill to Curb Growing Pot at Home Making Way Through Legislature

The nation’s most generous grow-your-own marijuana laws came closer this week to being curbed in Colorado, where the state House advanced a pair of bills aimed at cracking down on people who grow weed outside the commercial, taxed system. One …

Oregon Governor Warns Trump to Keep Hands off Oregon Legal Pot Business

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown says the federal government should leave the state’s legal marijuana industry alone. Brown says that if the Trump administration makes a move against legalized recreational marijuana, it would be going against its own goals such as …

Building of $7B Legal Pot Economy Underway in California

The future of California’s legal marijuana industry is being shaped in a warren of cubicles tucked inside a retired basketball arena, where a garden of paper cannabis leaves sprouts on file cabinets and a burlap sack advertising “USA Home Grown” …

Oregon Backs off Testing Regulations for Pot Industry

The state of Oregon has temporarily eased up on testing requirements for marijuana, days after business insiders warned that new rules would cause a drop in state tax revenues, an increase in black-market sales and layoffs in the industry. The …