marine cargo News

Egypt Seeks Out-of-Court Settlement with Owners of Huge Ship that Blocked Suez Canal

ISMAILIA, Egypt – The Suez Canal chief said Tuesday that authorities are negotiating a financial settlement with the owners of a massive vessel that blocked the crucial waterway for nearly a week. Lt. Gen. Osama Rabie told The Associated Press …

Suez Canal Must Upgrade to Avoid Future Shipping Disruption: Sources

CAIRO – Egypt’s Suez Canal must move quickly to upgrade its technical infrastructure if it is to avoid future shipping disruption, shipping industry sources said, as the major trade route tries to bounce back from a costly six-day closure. International …

Formal Investigations Begin into How Container Ship Ran Around in Suez Canal

ISMAILIA, Egypt – Formal investigations into how the giant container ship Ever Given ran aground in the Suez Canal, shutting down shipping in the major global waterway for almost a week, begin on Wednesday, a canal official told Reuters. The …

Lengthy Legal Battles Expected from Suez Canal’s Longest Closure in Almost 50 Years

The Suez Canal may be open again, but the battle over damages from the waterway’s longest closure in almost half a century is just beginning. With cargoes delayed for weeks if not months, the blockage could unleash a flood of …

Insurance Unlikely to Cover All Shipowners’ Expenses Incurred in Suez Closure Chaos

The owners and charterers of ships unable to sail through the the Suez Canal for nearly a week face at least $24 million in expenses they will be unable to recoup as their insurance policies do not cover them, industry …

Suez Canal Blockage Likely to Bring Large Losses for Global Reinsurers: Fitch

The blocking of the Suez Canal and resulting disruption to global shipping is likely to cause a large loss event for the reinsurance industry, according to Fitch Ratings. This event will reduce global reinsurers’ earnings but should not materially affect …

Update: Stranded Container Ship Is Refloated; Suez Canal Shipping Traffic Resumes

ISMAILIA, Egypt – Shipping was on the move again late on Monday in Egypt’s Suez Canal after tugs refloated a giant container ship which had been blocking the channel for almost a week, causing a huge build-up of vessels around …

Suez Canal Blockage Could Cost Global Trade $6B-$10B per Week: Allianz

BERLIN – The container ship blocking the Suez Canal could cost global trade $6 billion to $10 billion a week, a study by German insurer Allianz showed on Friday. The study by Europe’s biggest insurer also found that each week …

Container Ship Could Block Suez Canal Like a ‘Beached Whale’ for Weeks

ISMAILIA, Egypt – A huge container ship blocking the Suez Canal like a “beached whale” may take weeks to free, the salvage company said, as officials stopped all ships entering the channel on Thursday in a new setback for global …

Huge Backlog of Ships Waits for Salvage Team to Re-Float Vessel Blocking Suez Canal

A huge backlog of vessels was building up around the Suez Canal amid warnings that the salvage team could need days — or even weeks — to prise out the giant container ship that’s blocking the crucial waterway. Work to …