marine News

Arctic Winter Ice Covers 2nd Smallest Area on Record, Opening Region to Shipping

Winter sea ice on the Arctic Ocean covered the second smallest area on record this year, part of a thaw that is opening the region to shipping and oil exploration and may be disrupting weather far to the south, scientists …

Marine P&I Clubs Face Intense Pricing Pressures in February Renewals: A.M. Best

While the balance sheets of clubs operating in the marine protection and indemnity (P&I) sector are generally strong, underwriting discipline will be tested over the February 2018 renewal period, according to a report by A.M. Best. Intense competition, exacerbated by …

XL Catlin Promotes MacColl as Global Practice Leader for Hull, Succeeding Talbot

XL Catlin announced the promotion of Mike MacColl to the position of global practice leader for Hull with immediate effect. Previously, MacColl held the role of head of Hull for the UK. MacColl takes on the role from Mike Talbot, …

Oil Tanker Disaster to Be Probed by Maritime Authorities from China, Panama, Iran & HK

The maritime authorities of China, Panama, Iran and Hong Kong on Thursday signed an agreement to jointly investigate a collision in the East China Sea that caused the worst oil ship disaster in decades, according to China’s Ministry of Transport. …

No Initial Sign that Sunken Iran Oil Tanker Breached Safety Protocols: Panama

The Iranian tanker that sank after a collision in the East China Sea, causing the worst oil ship disaster in years, had its paperwork in order, according an initial review by maritime authorities in Panama, whose flag it was sailing …

Oil from Sunken Iran Tanker Diffuses into 4 Separate Slicks

Oil from an Iranian tanker that sank in the East China Sea has diffused into four separate slicks, covering a combined area of just over 100 square kms (39 square miles), Chinese authorites said late on Wednesday. Earlier satellite imaging …

Iran Oil Tanker Creates Oil Slicks Covering 42 Square Miles: Chinese Government

An Iranian oil tanker that sank in the East China Sea has left two oil slicks covering a combined 109 square km (42 square miles), the Chinese government said late on Tuesday, as maritime police scour for damage and prepare …

Update: Sunken Iranian Oil Tanker Causes Large Oil Slick in East China Sea

A stricken Iranian tanker that sank in the East China Sea on Sunday in the worst oil ship disaster in decades has produced a large oil slick, Chinese media and Japanese authorities said on Monday, as worries grew over damage …

Explosions Continue on Iranian Oil Tanker, Hampering Rescue Efforts

A stricken Iranian oil tanker continued exploding on Friday, hampering rescue efforts, Chinese state media reported, as Japan’s Coast Guard said the ship drifted away from the Chinese coast and into Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The ship, which has …

Owner of Blazing Iran Oil Tanker Hopes Crew Alive in Engine Room

The crew of an Iranian oil tanker set ablaze at the weekend following a collision could still be alive, the vessel’s owner said, calling on the Chinese authorities working at the scene to prioritize a rescue attempt. “We are still …