Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting News

Parkland Deputy’s Acquittal Shows Florida Has No ‘Cowardice Under Fire’ Law

When Florida prosecutors charged former Deputy Scot Peterson for his alleged inaction during the 2018 Parkland school massacre, they faced a major hurdle: no law precisely fit. So it was not a surprise to legal observers that Peterson was acquitted …

Judge Rules Florida Deputies Fired Over Parkland Massacre Should Get Jobs Back

A Florida judge ruled Thursday that two deputies who were fired for inaction during a high school mass shooting in 2018 should be reinstated with back pay. Broward Circuit Judge Keathan Frink concluded that arbitrators last year were correct in …

Parkland Parents Lose Bid to Hold District Liable for Not Warning of Student Danger

A Florida judge has ruled that a local school district had no responsibility to warn students and faculty at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School of the danger posed by a former student who would later be accused of a mass …

Florida School District Drops Request for Parkland Parents’ Social Media Posts

A Florida school district abruptly dropped its request Thursday that the families of students and staff slain in a 2018 high school massacre be required to turn over their social media posts from that period as it tries to defend …

Parents in Florida School Shooting Lawsuit Asked to Prove Mental Anguish

Parents who sued a school district after their children died in a mass shooting at a Florida high school are being asked to turn over their psychiatric records to prove they have suffered mental anguish. The Broward County school district’s …

Florida Supreme Court Caps High School Shooting Liability at $300K

The Florida Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a school district can’t be forced to pay more than $300,000 total to the victims or their families in the Parkland high school massacre that left 17 people dead and another 17 wounded. …

Florida Governor Signs Bill Allowing More Armed Teachers

More Florida teachers will be eligible to carry guns in the classroom under a bill Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Wednesday that immediately implements recommendations from a commission formed after a mass shooting at a high school in Parkland. DeSantis …

Florida Judge Rules Deputy Had Duty to Protect in Parkland School Shooting Suit

A judge has rejected a deputy’s claim that he had no duty to confront the gunman during the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Refusing to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the parent of a victim, Broward Circuit Judge Patti Englander …

Father of Parkland Shooting Victim Sues Deputy Who Didn’t Enter School

The father of a student killed in a mass shooting at a Florida high school is suing the armed officer who stood outside the building as people were massacred within. Meadow Pollack was among the 17 killed on Valentine’s Day …

Scott Sued by Florida Cities Over 2011 Gun Regulations Law

A Florida law prohibiting local governments from enacting their own gun regulations is invalid and unconstitutional, according to elected officials from 10 cities suing the state’s governor in the aftermath of a mass shooting that left 17 people dead at …