mark walls News

Why This Is Not a ‘Standard’ Hard Market and Other Views on Today’s Insurance Market

Interesting. Fluctuating. Moderating. Fun. Those are the words that Patrick M. Gallagher, chief executive officer of Gallagher Global Brokerage for the Americas, used to respond to a question about the state of the insurance marketplace during a virtual conference hosted …

Industry Watchers Weigh-in on ‘Concerning’ California Workers’ Comp Bills

A handful of workers’ compensation bills make their way through state Legislature every year that catch the attention of those watching the space – for better or worse. A few bills this year have a pair of industry watchers more …

Workplace Injuries Continue to Decline But Could Rise with Low Unemployment

The number of workplace injury claims continues to decline year after year despite significant changes in workforce demographics that experts thought would increase claims frequency, according to a report by the National Council of Compensation Insurance. The number of workers …

California Workers’ Comp Directors and Officers Cleanup Law Takes Effect July 1

A new law that enables corporate directors and officers owning at least 10 percent of a business to opt out of workers’ compensation coverage goes into effect on July 1. The law is intended to reduce the threshold of ownership, …

Industry Needs to Address Gaps in Workers’ Compensation, AMCOMP Panelists Say

At the American Society of Workers’ Compensation Professionals (AMCOMP) Fall Meeting held recently in New York, Mark Walls, vice president of communications and strategic analysis at Safety National, and Kimberly George, senior vice president at Sedgwick, discussed a lack of …

Did New Mexico Court Open ‘Pandora’s Bong’ With Nod to Pot for Worker?

A can of worms has been opened, the horse is out of the barn and the industry is gazing into Pandora’s Box. There is no shortage of idioms for workers’ compensation experts who are concerned over a decision last week …

Study: Formulary Could Save California Workers’ Comp $124M-$420M

Adopting a state-mandated workers’ compensation prescription drug formulary similar to systems in place in Texas and Washington could reduce California workers’ comp pharmacy payments by between $124 million and $420 million per year, a California Workers’ Compensation Institute study shows. …

Walls Named VP – Communications, Strategic Analysis at Safety National

Safety National Casualty Corp., a St. Louis, Mo., provider of excess workers’ compensation and large casualty insurance offerings, announced that Mark Walls has joined the company as vice president of communications and strategic analysis. With more than 24 years of …