Marsh commercial pricing report News

Commercial Insurance Price Hikes Begin to Moderate: Marsh

Global commercial insurance pricing continued its double-digit growth in the 2021 first quarter, but the rate of increase dipped for the first time since late 2017, Marsh found in its latest market index report. What’s more, rate hike moderation is …

Commercial Insurance Prices Rose 2% in Q4: Marsh Global Index

Average commercial insurance prices increased by two percent in the fourth quarter of 2018, the fifth consecutive quarter of average increases. Also, according to broker Marsh’s Global Insurance Market Index, composite pricing in Q4 increased in all global regions, the …

Cyber Insurance Rates Up, Unlike Other Commercial Rates

Cyber insurance stood out in the third quarter as the only line for which insurers saw consistent and large rate increases, which averaged more than 15 percent in the United States, according to the latest analysis from Marsh. Even with …

Insurers Look to Cyber, M&A Coverage as Prices Decline for 9th Quarter: Marsh

Commercial insurance rates continued their global decline in the 2015 second quarter, a trend driven by a continued abundance of global capacity and a lack of large insured loss activity, Marsh said in its latest Global Insurance Market Quarterly Briefing. …

Rates Up Moderately in U.S. in Q2 But Down Elsewhere: Marsh

Insurance rates in most major regions including Latin America, Asia-Pacific, the UK and continental Europe declined modestly in the second quarter of 2013, while rates in the U.S. rose moderately, according to insurance broker Marsh’s latest Global Insurance Market Quarterly …

Tougher U.S. Commercial Market Conditions in 2012: Marsh

U.S. commercial insurance rates are expected to climb across many lines of business in 2012, continuing a trend that began in the second half of 2011, according to a report by insurance broker Marsh. Substantial catastrophe losses and reduced investment …