Martin Bertogg News

Floods Drive Economic Losses in 2021, but Only 25% of Risks Are Insured: Swiss Re

More than 50 severe flood events around the world caused combined economic losses of US$82 billion in 2021, while insured losses stood at slightly more than US$20 billion – more evidence of a large ongoing global insurance protection gap of …

Extreme Weather in 2021 Brings Above-Average Claims to Global Insurers: Swiss Re

Extreme weather events in 2021, including a deep winter freeze, floods, severe thunderstorms, heatwaves and a major hurricane, resulted in estimated annual insured losses from natural catastrophes of US$105 billion, the fourth highest since 1970, according to Swiss Re Institute’s …

Failure to Act on Climate Change Could Make Weather Risks Uninsurable: Swiss Re

Global warming will lead to growing intensity and frequency of severe weather events, rising losses, as well as greater uncertainty in the assessment of these events by the insurance industry, which could make some weather risks uninsurable, according to a …

Insured Losses in 2019 Estimated at $56B, Down from $93B Last Year: Swiss Re

Global insured losses in 2019 dropped to an estimated US$56 billion, from US$93 billion in 2018 and below the annual average (US$75 billion) of the previous 10 years, according to preliminary sigma estimates from Swiss Re Institute. During the year, …

Global Insured Catastrophe Losses Decline to $20 Billion in H1: Swiss Re

Global insured losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters during the first half of 2018 were US$20 billion, down from US$30 billion in H1 2017, according to Swiss Re Institute’s latest sigma study. On the other hand, during the first …