Maryland health insurance News

240K Marylanders Missing Out on Health Insurance Help

It’s an unusual problem: The more people in rural areas Mark Romaninsky and his team help sign up for health insurance, the more difficult it becomes to find people who still need to enroll. “It gets harder and harder every …

4 Health Insurers Fined $280K in Md. for Selling Unapproved Student Plans

Four health insurance companies paid a combined $280,000 in fines to the Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) for selling unapproved health insurance plans to college students in Maryland, regulators announced last week. Student health benefit plans are only available to be …

Maryland Gov. Signs Retroactive Health Insurance Bill

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley on Jan. 30 signed into law a measure to help people get medical insurance retroactive to Jan. 1, if computer problems with Maryland’s health exchange prevented them from signing up in time last year. The law, …

Maryland Reviews Legislative Remedy for Health Exchange Glitch

Maryland’s House of Delegates will likely vote Tuesday on a plan to help residents who have struggled with the state’s health insurance exchange online. The bill would let customers sign up for retroactive coverage in the Maryland Health Insurance Plan, …