Massachusetts snowstorms News

Massachusetts to Receive $120M in Disaster Aid for Last Winter’s Snowfall

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said Massachusetts is expecting to receive $120 million in federal disaster assistance following last winter’s record snowfall. That’s the most ever awarded to the state as the result of a single natural disaster. Half of the …

Obama Signs Massachusetts Disaster Declaration for January Blizzard

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said Monday that federal disaster aid that the state has been granted for a late January blizzard could bring between $80 million and $90 million, but he’s disappointed his broader request wasn’t approved. “I’m disappointed that …

Boston Area Expects a Flood of Claims After Record Winter

After the Big Dig-out, it’s time for the Big Payout. Or will it be the Big Denial? New England’s epic winter is on pace to produce a corresponding number of claims as thousands of homeowners seek to repair damage. Successive …

Massachusetts Governor Asks for Snow Disaster Declaration

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker formally asked the federal government on Friday, March 27, to declare a disaster in 10 Massachusetts counties after a relentless series of winter storms brought record snowfall and frigid temperatures, causing 25 deaths and costing the …

Big Melt Will Start Liberating Boston From Its Record Snowpack

The Big Melt is coming. In the next day or so, southern New England and the lower Hudson Valley are going to shed a lot of snowpack as a storm passing just north of the region pulls in warm air …

New England Goes From Big Snow to Big Melt With Milder Weather

New England is going from the Big Snow to the Big Melt. After winter storms dumped nearly 9 feet of snow over the course of a month, many parts of the region will see milder weather this week and some …

Epic Snows Brought Economic Woes to New England

Ignore anyone who tells you snow is free. Every workday lost during New England’s winter has meant millions of dollars taken out of the regional economy. IHS Global Insight, an economic analysis firm, estimates Massachusetts alone suffered roughly $1 billion …

Massachusetts Official Surveys Storm Damage Along Coast

Parts of the Massachusetts coastline could face a lengthy recovery process after being pummeled by severe winter storms, the state’s top environmental official said on Feb. 27. Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Matthew Beaton was joined by local state …