Massachusetts News


Richard G. “Dick” Clarke, senior vice president of J. Smith Lanier & Co. in West Point, Ga., has been elected 2009 president of RiskProNet International, a network of 25 independent insurance brokers in North America. Clarke is a veteran of …

Mass. Commissioner Reverses Plan to Drop Auto Surcharge Appeals Board

Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Nonnie Burnes has reversed her plan to scrap the Bay State’s Board of Appeals — part of the long-standing system through which drivers could appeal insurance surcharges they received for car accidents. Burnes announced the reversal in …

Vermont Begins Hearings on Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Vermont lawmakers are starting a week of hearings on a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. In 2000, Vermont became the first state in the U.S. to adopt civil unions. House and Senate leaders want to pass the gay marriage bill …

U.S. Treasury Readies Systemic Risk Financial Regulation Blueprint

The U.S. Treasury is expected to propose within days the creation of a “systemic risk regulator,” probably the Federal Reserve, to oversee banking and market problems that could threaten the economy. On both sides of the Atlantic, “tunnel vision” is …

Massachusetts Construction Jobs Drying up

The number of construction jobs in Massachusetts has fallen by about 10,000 positions in the past three months to the lowest level in a decade. The Boston Globe, citing state employment data, reports Monday that there are about 120,000 jobs …

Obama Wants to Distance Economic Plan, AIG Rescue

Barack Obama is scrambling to assure Americans he is keenly aware of public outrage over taxpayer-backed bonuses for AIG executives, lest his own economic plan get caught up in the outcry. “How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers …

Massachusetts’ Attorney General Urges Insurance Chief to Keep Appeals

Attorney General Martha Coakley wants the state’s insurance division to maintain the appeals process for drivers who believe they were wrongly assessed surcharges for accidents. The Board of Appeals is slated to stop hearing new cases April 1 as Insurance …

Rep. Frank: Might Be Time To Fire Some People At AIG

Amid simmering outrage over $165 million in bonuses paid to executives at ailing AIG, Representative Barney Frank said Monday it may be time to fire some people at the insurance giant. “These people may have a right to their bonuses …

Massachusetts Registry, AAA May Join on License Renewals

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is close to an agreement with AAA that gives the auto club’s 2.3 million members a chance to renew licenses and vehicle registrations at no extra charge — even on Saturdays — at the …

Beazley Group Adds U.S. Builders Risk, Engineered Risk Capabilities

Beazley Group plc, an insurer of construction and engineering risks in the Lloyd’s market, has established a builders risk and engineered risk capability in the United States. Builders risk, commonly known as contractors all risks (CAR) and erection all risks …