Maui wildfires News

Maui Wildfires Portend Unprecedented Shift in What It Means to Mitigate Risk

The Maui wildfires portend a grand and incalculable reality for every single one of us living on this spinning blue globe we call Earth. Understanding the risks associated with where we live, work and play may be reaching a tipping …

Lawyers Claim Cable TV and Phone Companies Also Responsible in Hawaii Fires

After a visit to a warehouse where Hawaiian Electric Company is housing power poles and electrical equipment that may be key to the investigation of last month`s devastating fires on Maui, lawyers for Lahaina residents and business owners told a …

Sentry to Contribute $275K to Maui Wildfire Recovery

Sentry Insurance announced an initial contribution of $275,000 for immediate relief and recovery in response to the wildfires in Lahaina, Hawaii and throughout Maui. Stevens Point, Wisconsin-based Sentry sponsors the annual Sentry Tournament of Champions, a PGA Tour event played …

Maui Fire Lays Bare Utility Missteps Mirrored Across the Country

When flames ripped through the drought-parched town of Paradise in 2018, destroying homes and killing 85 in California’s deadliest-ever wildfire, it was a wake-up call to power companies across the country. Electric lines would ultimately be blamed for the blaze, …

Hawaiian Utility Sued by Homeowner Over Lahaina Fire

The Hawaiian power company in the crosshairs after wildfires ripped through parts of Maui faces a new lawsuit blaming its equipment for starting blazes that claimed more than 100 lives and wreaked billions of dollars in damages. Witnesses say some …

Maui Fire Is Deadliest in US in 105 Years, With 93 Killed

The death toll from fast-moving wildfires in Maui rose to 93, making them the deadliest in the US in more than 100 years, as concerns grew about the effectiveness of the island’s emergency alarm system. The number of fatalities is …

At Least 55 Died in Hawaii Fires, Thousands of Structures Exposed

Wildfires on Maui have killed at least 55 people and wiped out a historic town, exposing thousands of structures in a disaster that could end up exceeding early damage and loss estimates of more than $8 billion. The Associated Press …

AccuWeather: Damage and Economic Loss from Wildfires in Hawaii $8B to $10B

AccuWeather’s preliminarily estimate of the total damage and economic loss from the wildfires burning in Hawaii is from $8 billion to 10 billion. The worst of the fires hit the Island of Maui, with the Lahaina area especially hard hit. …